You Should Perish In This Way - II


Ansel raised his eyebrows slightly: "You think I plan to end this game on my own? No, no, no... Ravenna, it's not me who will end this game."

Ansel stood up and walked out of the restaurant, with Ravenna having no choice but to follow. Ansel's recent words had given her a sense of relief, but also an indescribable fear. 

If Ansel was not the one to end the game... then who would it be?

The young Hydral arrived at the entrance of the restaurant, where the owner was smoking a clay pipe, looking distressed across the street at another eatery. 

"What's the matter, boss?" Ansel struck up a conversation with him, "Your business seems to be doing quite well."

"Well? Haha... this is the best it's been in days."