Bring it to an end - Three - II

As Helen walked through the deserted corridor to the door of the alchemy workshop, her heartbeat and breathing quickened. 

After that attack, she finally remembered everything. 

It was not lost memory, but memory that had been... erased.

Who had tried to assassinate her, why she needed to kill her, what was the relationship between her and the assassin, and what had led to the current situation, Helen understood it all clearly. 

It was a gamble in which she was a participant, a gamble she had been forced to forget. 

Now, the game had reached its final stage, the endgame orchestrated and controlled by… Ansel.

The winner would have their desires fulfilled, while the loser would be left with nothing.


Helen murmured softly, placing her hand on the door. She closed her eyes and stood for a long time, her mind replaying everything she had seen, heard, and experienced during this time.