Diary - Three - I

To facilitate the clarification of clues, the subsequent recording time will be reset. 

I must achieve perfection in all aspects to identify the source of the problem from the returning Ansel, confirm my suspicions, and ascertain his motives. 

There are numerous objectives to accomplish, and Ansel may have grown beyond my comprehension over these three years, but I must succeed. 

Ravenna, even if he does not expect anyone's salvation, you must extend your hand to him, for he is your friend. 

He is the only one who can make you feel what it means to be alive.

[Day One.]

The outside me intercepted Ansel, who arrived in the imperial capital through the teleportation array, at the earliest opportunity. Unless it is an extremely precise spell or artifact controlled by a powerful fourth or even fifth-stage extraordinary being, no one in the entire empire would have more dominion than the outside me.