The Ace of Fate - VI

Ravenna nodded silently. Just as she was about to speak, she heard Helen say:

"You know very well that everything we are doing now is part of destiny's grand design."

Helen lowered her head, caressing her bracelet, and murmured, "Without us, Ansel could seize this opportunity to wield the power of the sixth stage. With his intellect and disposition, once he masters this empire-crushing force, combined with his foresight... the possibilities of what he could achieve are endless."

"Destiny fears such an Ansel, hence..."

"Hence it has facilitated your seamless transformation into Helen, allowing me to clearly perceive all of this," Ravenna interjected, her expression icy. 

"Ultimately, here, it has shaken Ansel's once unwavering resolve."

"A long prelude of concealment and waiting, culminating in this pivotal moment."

"Yet it all seems so reasonable, so... inevitable."

This is... fate.