God From the Machine - III

Need an indestructible body? Seek the essence of "solidity," "stability," or even "immortality" from the abyss and imbue it. 

Need pure destruction? Find essences related to "destruction," "annihilation," or "void" and infuse them into cannons and blades. 

As long as the Phantasm Armament, as a living being, can recognize and understand the abyss's countless possibilities, its power will come not from its creator, but from the world itself!

Thus, Ravenna made a decision.

 She resolved to become such a "living being." 

She decided to become the Phantasm Armament, to become Ansel's weapon itself.

Destroying her external shell, using the Nidhoggur that can decompose into the smallest units as her soul carrier, abandoning the stable and safe Heavenly Road, she immersed her soul... into the abyss!