Mr. and Mrs. Monster - II

The Southern Territory.

Breeze City, one of the cities established when the Count of Spirity Lake relocated all his subjects to the Hydral Territory.

On the clean and tidy streets, a newsboy waved newspapers as he dashed past.

"Lord Ansel will return to the Hydral Territory in seven days! Lord Ansel will return to the Hydral Territory in seven days!"

A common city official, sitting outside an open-air café and sipping coffee, waved at the newsboy: "A newspaper, please, child!"

"Hehe, two copper coins, thank you for your patronage!"

The newsboy cheerfully handed the newspaper to the man and, after receiving the coins, continued running down the street.

This rather ordinary city official put away his leisurely holiday mood and began to read the newspaper with great seriousness, word by word.