The Will of the Serpant Extends - II

After all, when Marlina was by Ansel's side, no matter how much she pushed herself, she was always mindful of her health. Even though most of her rest and meals were replaced by spells and nutritional supplements, it didn't mean it was bad for her body. Most people couldn't handle such high-intensity pressure mentally, but Marlina could.

And now, she was neglecting her body? Not because of the workload, but due to some… inexplicable obsession?

Ansel's question left Marlina stunned for two seconds before she hurriedly shook her head, denying it with great fear: "How could that be... Your expectations are my motivation, the source of my strength. How could they possibly bring me pressure?"

"Then what about your recent behavior?" Ansel tilted his head slightly. "Draining yourself to the point of exhaustion before drinking the nutritional supplement... What, do you think I can't afford even a bottle of nutritional supplement?"