Girls - I

Seraphina is about to leave, and the Garden has hastily arranged a small gathering to prepare for this event. 

The journey of the young Beast King, from its inception to its conclusion, and the events that unfold, are of no concern to Ansel. Even if fate dictates that Seraphina's journey may sow seeds of future adversity, Ansel is willing to let her pursue her heart's desire.

Informing the Garden is merely to ensure they are prepared, to make arrangements in advance, including but not limited to, covertly disguising Seraphina's identity and erasing her traces as much as possible.

For Ansel, since Seraphina seeks to temper herself, he must ensure this trial is flawless and untainted by extraneous factors. Moreover, he always takes Saville with him on his excursions, so he never intended for Seraphina to travel alone. However… the single-minded Miss Wolf is unlikely to notice the Garden's people.