Silent Changes - II

Simultaneously, a frail adventurer donning a beret meandered near the bookshelf, engrossed in two stacks of documents he held.


Milo knew their identities; he had long since familiarized himself with their likenesses.

In the brief silence, the young man's slightly stiff face suddenly blossomed into a vibrant smile.

"Why, if it isn't Lord Faust!" he exclaimed, feigning delighted surprise as if he had known the dark-haired youth lounging in his chair for over a decade.

Milo strode forward, his demeanor humble and respectful. "I never imagined you'd grace us with your presence. My deepest apologies for not preparing a proper welcome."

However, 'Faust' remained unresponsive, setting aside the book and looking up at the slender adventurer.

"Margarete, have you found your answer?" he inquired.

"Indeed," Margarete nodded gently. "I now understand why Miss Nerilia wishes you to spare Mr. Milo."