Violent - II

"He should be at the mining area outside the city... shall we strike now?"

"Fighting in the lower town risks affecting the civilians, but we don't need to act now. We'll move the day before the competition begins."

Oh, so they're allies?

Seraphina didn't expect this duo of dimwits to share her goal of eliminating Black Crocodile. 

Regardless of their motives—so long as it wasn't to replace them or commit even greater atrocities—Seraphina didn't care why they punished villains. As long as the evildoer perished, it was a victory!

However, she didn't intend to rashly join forces with them. She planned to follow them to Black Crocodile and then take him down herself.

Then she overheard the two men below say:

"Besides Black Crocodile, we also need to deal with the Butcher and the Speckled Snake, right?":