The reborn

I was in the middle of a war when I died while saving my younger brother Max, But the thing that always surprises me was that even after dying I know what was happening to me. I was falling in the endless traveling towards it's end and my memories was disappearing as I am going reaching more in more dept.

There was a something in the dept of that endless well that was shining like stars in night sky. At the second when I touched it my soul broke into shards and then reformed with a mysterious dark element.

The second thing that was like 440voltage shock was that when I opened my eyes in the body of a teenager who is heavily injured was lying in the middle of arena.

The first question hit my head was 'Why here is so much noise' The moment I turned my eyes towards the crowed I saw they are all cheering up someone who's name is 'Reyan' he was the cousin of the boy in who's body my soul entered.

He have clean face and bald head without any sign of hairs. At the moment I looked at his bald head my eyes started hurting because his bald head is reflecting the sun rays a lot like a mirror. I balanced myself and covers my eyes with my arm in order to protect my eyes from the reflection by that bald head.

Suddenly I hear a sweet cheery voice saying 'Dante, don't give up, you can this. You can defeat him, I am with you' I was confused at that moment that suddenly a strong hammer like punch hit my face and a blood escaped my mouth and I fell over ground.

Just after it an Arrogant voice entered my ears 'Dante, come on get up and fight and defeat me if you have guts. I'll show the difference between us, the difference between children of pure and illegitimate bloodline.'

I was just totally confused that why that bald guy is hitting me and why he is only hitting my face I mean he can hit on my body but he is only targeting my face. His second directly hit my nose causing the start of painful nosebleed from my nose. The blood was flowing out from my nose and right side of forehead like stream.

My whole body is hurting like many of my bones were fractured, I again tried to stabilize myself and said 'Stop hitting me on my face'. Just after hearing this that bald guy lift something hard from side and hit left side of my face with it and that hit almost broken my jaw.

I fell over ground again and again and again but I don't why I am able to stand up again and again and again after getting every fatal strike from that Bald head. And just like that I suffered total forty nine hits from that bald head but the number fifty hit caught his arm and twisted it and then I started hitting that bald guy on his face again and again and again and I punched his face and nose more than hundred times just to make him feel the pain I suffered from his punches.

The whole crowd was shocked their eyes were wide open and their jaw almost fall over ground and their tongue cane out. I don't know why that bald guy hitting me but I am hitting him because I hate those who try to hit me without my fault. I served in special force 'Sky hawks' of Indian army for four years and their number one commando I has learnt every type of martial arts and military combat techniques. I also learnt the art of ancient combat from a mysterious person during my ninth mission in northeast. That thing we will discuss later.

So after getting more than hundred punches from me that bald guy started fainting but as my last and final move I straight my palm and then hit his bald head with full force and it broke my bones in palm of my right hand but also cracked the skull of bald head and crushed his brain.

After getting that hit that bald guy lie iver ground and never woke up again. The blood stream started flowing out from his head and eyes and because I am still in half conscious state I started feeling dizzy and my eyes started getting close and then I fell over ground.

I don't know what happened after it but again when I opened my eyes I felt like I am sleeping while putting head on something more softer and smoother than a pillow. I turn my head and tried to sit down but there was two big soft hanging melons over my face and I didn't take time to realise that those are a girl's breasts.

I started feeling weird my mind and heart started advising me to grab them and press them because in my previous I neeve had experience of sleeping with girl because I never get free from work and studies.

But the gentleman within me told me to not do that and I listened to him and didn't touch those soft breasts. That suddenly I heard the same voice as sweet as like before 'Hey Iris, How is he now?'

Iris! the word entered my head and I started thinking about it that suddenly I hear the same voice same voice again 'Dante, you are awake, that's so relieving for me. I was so worried when you fainted after winning the duel'

I was still unable to understand what's going on there until the girl in who's lap I was sleeping said 'Dante, you are awake, why didn't you tell me. I was so worried for you. O Dante finally you got up from sleep' I was unable to identify her because I have not seen her face clearly due to my blurry vision but her voice is so soothing and calming.

I then got up from her lap and sat down over matress. My vision is still blurry since after seeing those soft big peaks. I then slowly hit my head on wall and my vision got slightly normal and again that calming voice entered brain. 'Dante..., stop hitting your head on wall. Stop hurting yourself' This time I felt so much care in that voice and after hitting my head on wall for five times my vision became completely normal and I can see the surrounding.

There was a very beautiful woman standing just infront of me at some distance of nearly five to six steps. I have never seen such beautiful woman before and even the Ms universe was like shadow infront of her beauty.

I was unable to take my eyes off from her and then slowly I looked down after looking at her face, she was wearing an traditional dress that was nearly like Woman wear's in Japan but she is not looking like a Japanese at all.

She was holding a bucket of warm water with a soft white towel.