Ray Of Hope.

Enoch, Raymond, Esther, and even Hazel, with the exception of Ruthlyn, watched as Ethan pulled Shikera's luggage after her, as if it was the most natural thing to do. His facemask was already fastened across his face, since he was the one who gave Hazel the permission to come and get Esther prepared for school that morning.

Shikera, oblivious to the strange stares she was getting from the people downstairs, said to Ethan, "Woah! You're lifting that with just one hand? One would think it's completely weightless!"

Before Ethan could answer her, a small childish voice chipped in,"Daddy, is Miss Anderson going somewhere?"

"She is," Ethan gave a short answer. Presently, they were at the foot of the stairs and we're now walking towards the others."Why do you ask?"