
"I am back!"

Team leader Zuresh jolted on her seat, startled by the sudden loud voice in the room. Turning, she saw Shikera approaching with a wide smile on her face and her eyes softened a little, only to harden the very next moment.

"What are you doing, Anderson? Coming in 20 minutes past the expected time and you are still so cheerful?!" she yelled, and Shikera halted in her steps.

Staring at the older woman's angry face, Shikera wondered how she managed to give birth to a calm daughter like Rita. Staying with the girl for two weeks and hearing how she glorified her mother had made Shikera forget how monstrous the woman really was. For now, she had to get an excuse.

"I'm sorry, Ma'am! I was ambushed by the reporters from Lake TV who wanted to trick me into giving them an hint of our exclusive. When I escaped from them, that was when I remembered I actually forgot—"