Episode 10 Welcome to the Spooky Month

Warning: This episode contains vulgar language, violence, and death

"Behold the White Horse." Korrow said in front of a shipwreck, with a figurehead of a white horse. "Why are we here?" Pheno asked, bummed out. "Well, since you guys know what's going on you guys could help." Korrow said, giving each of them a bag. "Grab anything of value." Korrow said. "Oh Korrow, it's almost spooky season." Luna said. "Maybe we should use these bags for trick or treating." Luna encouraged. "No, we cannot do that." Korrow said. "Whatttt why notttt!?" Monstrid asked, sad and mad at the same time. "Where are we going to get all that candy from?" Korrow said. "The mainland." Luna said, pointing towards the sea. "I can't spot anything." Korrow said, squinting his eyes. Luna let out a sigh. "Don't worry starlight, it's just hard, that's all." Korrow said, getting down on one knee and patting her on the head. Luna dropped the bag. She then walked away. "Way to go Korrow." Killer said, angry. Killer ran towards Luna and put his arm around her to comfort her. "I could go to the mainland." Pheno said. "No, it's a lot to it." Korrow said. "Korrow I've been doing this for years." Pheno responded. Korrow looked at Pheno.

At the Devil's castle.

"Lilith!" Satan ordered. Lilith then walked into his throne room and bowed. "Yes, my lord." Lilith responded. In the background Tituba was still tied up and then fell unconscious. "We are having a breakthrough without little experience, but I need you to do something for me." Satan said. "You must resurrect the Goodworth sisters." Satan ordered. "Yes, my lord."

Lilith went and gathered the other demon lords. Meanwhile on the mainland. "So how do we find the goodworth sisters?" Diablo asked. "Their graves, up in Salem." Lilith responded. "It's time to go to the mainland." Lilith said. "Ughhhhhhh fine." Korrow said. "But be careful." Korrow said. "Alright, give me your wallet." Pheno jokingly said. "I don't have money." Korrow said, blinking. "Lucky for you, I have some." She pulled out her wallet and opened it up, she pulled out 20 bucks but stopped and looked at a photo of her and Vengeance. A tear drop hit the wallet. "Hey Pheno, if you don't want to go because of what happened to Veng, then you don't have to." Korrow spoke up. "I want to." Korrow lifted her chin up. "Come here.: Korrow said with open arms. Pheno hugged Korrow. Pheno and Korrow then walked back home. Pheno then got her motorcycle from outside the house. "You got this." Pheno put on Vengenace's helmet. Liya then started to rev up the motorcycle. She then drove and was about to hit a cliff. In response she just revs it even more. The motorcycle went over the cliff and onto the water. She continued to drive on the water. Lilith and the demon lords were flying on the opposite side of Pheno with their wings. "So how do we bring them back?" Eris asked. "We'll burn that bridge when we get there." Lilith responded. Pecado then saw Pheno and his eyes widened. "Lillith" "Lilith" "Lilith" "What you hell spawn." Lilith shirked. "Look, an islander." Pecado said pointing where Pheno is. "Oh please like an islander can escape the barrier." Lilith said snarky. "Just look!" Pecado said. Lilith turned around but Pheno out sped them. Lilith looked back at him with a death glare. "You fucking idiot." Lilith said. Pheno then got onto the island. "Why did we have to be the closest to Florida?" Pheno said with woe. Pheno then chained up her motorcycle and put her helmet on it. Pheno then walked towards the nearest store. "That'll be 13.99, please." A store clerk named Josh said in a monotone voice. "Would you like to donate to starving children?" "Uh yeah." Pheno said smiling. "Wow you actually do, how much?" "Um 5 dollars." "Ok, your new total is now 18.99" Pheno handed him the 20 and got her change back. Pheno went back to her motorcycle to see someone on it with a band of misfits with motorcycles. "Hey!" They let out an evil laugh and drove off. "Shit." Pheno looked around and saw a bicycle. The misfits let out a laugh. "Uh boss." "What, Garry?" He pointed behind them. The Boss looked behind and his eyes widened. Pheno was on a burning bicycle. Pheno threw her chain at one of them and tossed them. She then chained another motorcycle and started to walk on the chain. The goon started to shoot at Pheno. Pheno shot the goon. The motorcycle swerved and caused the chain to tense up causing her, the motorcycle, and the bicycle to crash. The boss let out an evil laugh. "We got her, stupid girl." 3 of the goons laughed. The Boss looked in the mirror, and saw Pheno rise from the crash on fire with orange wings sprouted out. "Shit." They started to shoot at her. She chained one of the goons in the head. Pheno shot a fireball at the other. She shot the last one. The Boss revved the motorcycle and drove into an alley. "Hah I lost her." The Boss said. Fiery wings sprouted in the darkness. Pheno turned him around and started to choke him, her hand on fire. The Boss let out a shriek. She snapped his neck and grabbed her helmet and motorcycle back and drove away. She then got a contract. Pheno had a look of worry. "Shit if I don't, then." She pulled out the contract. It read "Graveskepper Jim at 42.5206° N, 70.8922° W." Pheno started to drive. She passed a sign saying Welcome to Salem, Massachusetts. Shen then eventually hit a graveyard, The Burying Point. Jim was walking around doing his job. He sat down on a bench. "I'm sorry." Pheno said crying she shot Jim in the head. The old man fell onto the ground bleeding. A slow cap could be heard. It was Lilith against a tree. "Great help." Lilith said. Pheno pointed her gun at them. "You're going to help us." "I would never." She got another contract. "Yes you are Pheno." She pulled out the contract. It was pitch black and had ashes, it read. "Resurrect Blair Samantha Goodworth, Satrina Goodworth, and Sabrina Goodworth." "So how do we go about it?" Eris asked. "First find their graves." They searched until they found it covered in vines and bugs. "Their spellbook." Lilith said. "Well a spellbook." Eris said. They looked at Pheno. "Get Korrow's spell book for us." Lilith stated. "Or what?" Pheno said. Lilith looked at the other lords. "Or your "father" can say goodbye to his Aunt." Pheno let out a deep breath. "How do I get it?" Pheno asked. "That's not for us to decide." Lilith said. The Lords began to walk away. "That's up to you." "Remember there are two paths: mercy and violence." Pheno went over to her motorcycle, she then drove back home. "Did you get the candy?" Korrow asked. "Yeah, she gave the candy to Korrow." "Pheno what's wrong?" Korrow asked. "It's nothing." "Are you sure?" Korrow got down on one knee. "You know you can tell me anything." "Right?" "Yeah." "Where do you keep your spellbook?" Korrow was shocked. "Pfffffft spellbook, I don't have a spellbook." "Korrow, I know you have one." "How do you know I have one?" Pheno started to cry. Korrow got up and hugged her. "I don't want to die." Pheno cried. Wa Wa poked his head out worried and brushed against Pheno. Monstrid soon came downstairs with the rest of the crew. "Pheno don't cry." Monstrid said tugging at her holding Beary. The Crew hugged Pheno. "Pheno, you have to tell me what's going on." "I can't," Pheno said. "I just need your spellbook." "SPELLBOOK!?" The crew all said in unison shocked. "Ok, I'm trusting you to do the right thing." Korrow went over to the kitchen cabinet and opened it, inside was recipe books, he pulled out a greyish bluish book, with a yellow fancy design on it. He handed it to Pheno. Pheno let out a sigh. She held it. "I can't." "But I need to." Pheno walked towards the front door. She then turned around. "Thank you, Korrow." Korrow just nodded his head. Pheno returned back to the graveyard. "Ah you're not dead." Lilith said sitting on a tombstone is the same for the other demon lords. Lilith grabbed the book and kissed it. "Here Eris." Eris grabbed the spellbook and turned the pages in front of the Goodworth's graves. "Huius sacri libri virtute, Blair Samantham Goodwortham, Satrinam Goodworth, Sabrinae Goodworthum ad terram refero." He chanted. The ground shook, lightning struck, the wind picked up. Lilith let out a cackling laugh. There were 3 laughs in response. The graves glowed red then blue. The dirt evaporated and the graves opened up. The sister's eyes opened up. They rose up from the graves, tired but awake. They looked at each other. "Satrina?" Sabrina said. "Sabrina?" "Blair?" They both said. "Satrina, Sabrina?" "AH!" Blair yelled. "We're back!" "Get up you fucking idiots." Blair got up and brushed her dress and then got out of the grave, Sabrina and Satrina following. "And who might you be?" Blair asked. "We are the demon lords of hell, Satan's right hand men and women Eris, Diablo, Lilith, and Pecado." Lilith stated. "Oh, my apologies." Blair bowed down. "Huh?" Sabrina said confused. "Bow!" "OH!" The other sisters bowed. Korrow was looking out the window, scared and worried about what Pheno was doing with the spellbook. Korrow pulled out a journal, it was a history book. "I'm going out, Killer you're in charge." Korrow said. "Yes sir." Killer said, saluting. Korrow then walked outside, Naval flying behind. Naval turned human. "What's going on?" Naval asked worriedly. "I believe Pheno is in trouble, but I need a way to get to her." Korrow said. "Korrow." "You have wings."

Korrow and Naval then flew through the barrier. Killer saw everything though. As Korrow and Naval were flying, Satan was watching them through a crystal ball. Satan let out a growl. He then pulled out a piece of paper and a feather pen, he then dipped the pen in ink and turned his head behind him and smiled at Tituba. Pheno got a new contract. "Oh, who is it?" Lilith asked. "None of your business!" Pheno said. "Well that's no way to speak to your second in command." Samatha said. Pheno was holding the contract and she looked at it, her eyes widening, her getting goosebumps and the wind blowing, her mouth going dry. Lilith poked her head to look at it, same for the other demon lords and the sisters. "Oh your surrogate father." Lilith said smiling. "Pheno!" Korrow said, running towards the graveyard. "You brought him here?" Eris said, yelling grabbing her by the neck. "No, I tracked my spellbook." Korrow said. Eris let go of Pheno. "Pheno, what are you doing with these people?" Korrow asked. Lilith walked forward. "You weren't a good enough father." Lilith's nails grew into claws. Eris shot fire out of his mouth. Korrow then used a nearby fountain and bent the water to block the flame. "Wait, wait, wait." Samatha said, pushing Eris and LIlith out of the way with her sisters behind her. "Hello, Korrow." "The Goodworth sisters, I beat you once and I'll do it again." Korrow said. "Yes, but this time I have backup." "Ok, now let's fight." Samatha let out a yell and started to zap Korrow with lightning. Naval then summoned plants to grab Samatha's arm. Eris teleported behind Naval with a scythe. Korrow then did a spell to blast Eris, the scythe's dull end hit Naval sending him flying. Korrow ran over to Pheno. Eris readied their attack. "Wait." Lilith said, putting her hand on his chest. "Stay back." Pheno said. "Pheno it's me." Korrow approached her. Pheno pulled out her gun. Naval tried to get up, Lilith shot a tree falling on him. "Pheno, did they brainwash you?" Korrow said scared. Satan was watching this through the crystal ball. "I have to kill you to live." Pheno cried. "Do what you must." Korrow dropped his staff and let his arms out wide. "Just know I love you and I'm proud of you, that I helped raise such a beautiful and talented and smart daughter." "No." Pheno said, putting her gun down. The demon lords were shocked. "PHENO!" Naval yelled. Satan snapped his fingers. Pheno's flame went out, she fell over pale skinned. Korrow caught her. "Pheno?" "Pheno answer me" "Please." Pheno began to evaporate, leaving only her jacket behind. "Well so much for that." Satrina said. "All right, let's kill him." Samatha stated. The sisters and lords walked towards Korrow. Korrow held the jacket, crying, a blue energy came out of him, sending the sisters and lords flying. Naval went over to Korrow, and hugged him. "It's my fault, Naval." "No, it's not Korrow." Naval heard rustling. "Korrow we have to go." Naval looked around and saw ghostly apparitions, them being a slight blue and see through. "Why, do we have to go?" "Please Korrow." The spirits grew closer. Korrow just shook his head. Naval picked up Korrow. "I don't see anything causing us to have to leave." Naval held Korrow, he was surrounded by the spirits. "Korrow." "I love you." Naval kissed Korrow on the forehead. "You'll-, we'll get through this together." Korrow smiled from the love he received. "I love you too." Korrow's eyes went pure blue. Korrow teleported Naval back home. "We're home."