Episode 12 Lost in Learning

Warning: This episode contains vulgar language, violence, and sexual themes

"What did you do?" Satrina inquired. "I cursed the land, you numbskull." "Yeah but, what does the curse do exactly?" "Whatever these simplingtons dress as they become," Samantha let out an evil cackle. "I plan on doing this to everyone in the world!" "So who is on our list to bring back?" Samantha pondered opening Liber. "The closest person is The Invisible Man." "To New Hampshire!"

"Shouldn't someone be watching, Sabrina?" Killer inquired. "It'll be fine Wa Wa is watching her, and she's tied up so she can't escape." "WA!" Wa Wa let out a yell. "You sure?" Killer said snarky. The crew then ran up to the elevator, and waited. "Wait, how did we hear Wa Wa from all the way over here?" Luna asked, confused. "He's loud." Sabrina was throwing potions at Wa Wa, but it was having no effect. "Sabrina!" "Oh hello." Korrow then ran towards her. "AH" Sabrina yelled she ducked out of the way, Wa Wa then ducked towards her, she threw a potion in his face. "AH, MY EYES, MY BEAUTIFUL EYES, WA!" Wa Wa then flailed around, he then accidentally hit the majority of the crew. Luna then drew her bow. Sabrina drank a potion then turned invisible. "Oh, my stomach feels like it has butterflies." Sabrina then hit Korrow in the back of the head making him fall down. Sabrina opened up the door to the house, she then went into a closet and found their cleaning supplies, she then grabbed their mop and their window cleaner bottle. At that time her invisibility potion ran out and she grew visible again. Satrina then ran back outside, busting open the door. "Well I would love to stay and chat." Satrina mounted the mop and attached the window cleaner to the back of it. As Satrina began to ascend the window cleaner's start to bubble and spray out violently, the top of it getting blown off, the blue liquid spraying everywhere hitting the crew and then sending Satrina flying. The smell of ammonia being in the air. "But I have to go help my sisters with my master's bidding." "Bye you witches." "Ew, I'm going to puke." Luna said holding her mouth due to the taste of the window cleaner in her mouth, the terrible horrible horrid taste of expired toothpaste filling her mouth. Korrow had a stern look as she flew away. Korrow then starts to spit out the taste. "Ugh, this tastes awful, we need medical attention." "Why?" "We are monsters," Crescent pondered. "Some of us are, while some of us are part monster." Korrow said. Wa Wa then busted through the door with a head mirror on his head and on his long extended neck a harness with jugs of water on it. "Wa Wa to the rescue." Wa Wa said heroically. "Drink!" Korrow yelled. The crew then ran towards Wa Wa and started to chug the water in desperation. "I'm not," Guero spitted. "Drinking a thing." "Guero fucking drink!" Korrow yelled, worried for the ill teen. Guero then drank the water. Korrow yelled. "AH!" Luna yelled. The crew turned around to see Derrek's dead body up against the wall of the house. "Oh my maker, it's, it's" "Can someone tell me who he was?" Korrow asked, confused. "Uh uh." "I don't know" "Don't ask me" The crew murmured. "It was Derrek!" Wa Wa let out a cry. Korrow went over and started to pet Wa Wa. "Shhhhh, it's ok Wa Wa, he stole my rum for parties anyways." Derrek then got up. "I'm alive!" "AH, ZOMBIE!" Wa Wa yelled and then ate Derrek and let out a burp. Derrek then ripped open Wa Wa's neck. "EUgh." Wa Wa fell over. "I'm done for!" The wound then regenerated. "Ok, I'm fine." "Listen Korrow this is, it's too much for me." "I'm leaving." Derrek said and walked away. "Bye." Korrow said. "I'm taking your stuff." Luna stated. "He lived here?" Killer questioned. And Wa Wa just let out a cry. "Ok." Korrow clapped his hands together. "Tituba, we still need to save her." Korrow said. "What about Sabrina? She said that she was going to help her sisters with their master's bidding, who I can assume is Satan." Crescent responded with urgency. "We will have to wait, due to Nile's new power the vehicles are under commissioned. But those new powers can also help us, in the meantime I believe it's time to start something new." Korrow said. "Alright off to bed." Korrow said. The crew then did their routine of brushing their teeth and then putting on their pajamas and heading off to bed.

Korrow and Naval were walking on a path. "So what's this new thing you are trying?" Naval asked. "School, I want to finally put the kids in school, due to them finally knowing who you are, they can, I couldn't due the travels from and to school, we don't exactly have a bus route nor drivers." "Aw boo, I thought it was going to be something more exciting." Naval responded. "Well there is still one, well two matters of, darn three matters to attend to." Naval stated. "Oh, what's that?" "One, which schools are the kids going to the School for Witchcraft and Demonics or the School for powers and tech, two who is bringing them to school and from school, and three." Naval then grabbed Korrow's hand. "And three what about us?" "Man of questions you are Naval." Korrow stated while letting out a laugh. "One I say let them decide which schools they wish to attend, two you can bring them to the power school and I'll bring them to the magic school, and three." Korrow then rubbed Naval's hand. "What do you want to become of us?" Korrow asked. Naval then looked at Korrow. Naval then leaned in for a kiss. Korrow accepted it. "I think you already know that answer." "Let's go get the kids' school supplies." Korrow said, putting his finger on Naval's lip. "Maybe I can supply you later." Naval said, giving a smirk and a flirtatious look.

Korrow and Naval then got to the nearest market. Korrow started to push a rusty trolley with his legs on it, him letting it roll. "Dad?" Monstrid said, opening his door. Two red eyes appeared in front of Monstrid. "Lucy." Monstrid said with a gasp. "Hello!" Wa Wa said. "Hi." Monstrid said. "So do you wanna know a story?" "So there I was-" Monstrid shut the door. "Hey why doesn't anyone want to hear my stories?" "So what do we need?" Naval asked, pushing the trolley with Korrow in it. Korrow had a notebook and pencil ready at hand. "Well for the magic and demonics, a beginners spell book, a pet, a wand, and protective gloves, and for the powers school, a binder, cards, glasses, and protective gloves." Naval put his arms on the trolley. "We don't have any of that, do we?" Naval asked. "Nope." Korrow layed down hitting his head on the trolley. "Ow." "Naval what are we going to do? I want them to go to school but we don't have the supplies and we can't send them to a normal school." "What do you mean normal school?" Naval asked worriedly. "You know a school with humans." "Korrow how many times have we had this talk, being us is normal, them, humans, aren't normal, people who can't accept people for who they are aren't normal, maybe we could go get the stuff for school on the mainland?" Korrow got up from the trolley. "You mean steal it?" "I can't tell if you are excited or against the idea, even though I didn't propose the idea." "You didn't?" "No." There was an awkward silence in the air. "Well what do we do?" "I don't know, Korrow, we could just find some lying about, maybe?" Naval proposed. "I highly doubt we can find those lying about." "You don't know." "Plus even if there was, we couldn't cover that ground in time." "Let's just go home." Korrow said. "Ok, but I'm going to cheer you up though as we go home." "What?" Korrow said, surprised. Naval then picked up Korrow, bridal style. Korrow looked down with a depressed look. Naval then started to tickle Korrow to cheer him up. Korrow was letting out laughs. "Naval stop." Korrow said, smiling with a laugh. "Baby, stop, babe!" "Babe?" Naval said surprised and shocked that Korrow called him, catching him off guard. "Um, yeah, too soon? Sorry if so." "No, sorry it's fine, you're still my little birdie." Korrow let out a blush, Naval noticed letting out a blush in response, flowers sprouting out of his hair. Korrow picked one of them out and tossed it. "That would get in the way when we are kissing, and when you supply me up." Korrow then grabbed another flower and put it in his own hair. "But I'll keep this one." Naval then started to make out with Korrow, while walking home. Naval carrying Korrow home the whole time. Korrow and Naval then got home. "Aw look at the love birds." Wa Wa said happily, turning his head 360 degrees. "Hi, Wa Wa." Korrow said in a tired but happy tone. Naval then walked inside and placed Korrow down. Korrow looked away. "Hey, it's going to be ok." Naval comforted him. Korrow looked back at Naval. "I want them to go to school, Naval." "But they can't" Monstrid then opened his door and heard the conversation. "They will." "How do you know that?" "We can't even afford their school supplies, hell let alone find their supplies." "We will find a way." Naval said. Korrow looked up at Naval with a new found hope. "God by Maker's ass you are so kissable." Naval stated flirty. "What's stopping you?" "The kids are asleep." Naval then leaned in and kissed Korrow, then making out. Monstrid saw it and then closed his door. Naval then grabbed Korrow's ass. "By Maker's Ass," Naval stated. "I think you like mine more than his," Korrow stated. "You got that damn right," Naval stated. Korrow's bedroom door opened with Naval making out with Korrow, he then pushed Korrow down onto the bed. Naval then took off his shirt. And continued to make out with Korrow. Naval started to grind against Korrow. Naval then took off Korrow's shirt, still having his lips coincide with Korrow's. Korrow then gave Naval a seductive look. He started to unzip Naval's pants and undo them and then pulled them down. Naval had a bulge through his underwear. Just screaming to be let out. Korrow and Naval continued to make out. Korrow and Naval grabbing each other's crotch. Korrow then pulled down Naval's pants, he stroked Naval, then put Naval's erect penis into his mouth. Naval let out soft moans and started to call Korrow a good bird. "Let's get those off." Naval said. Korrow took off his shirt and pants. Naval threw Korrow onto the bed, continuously making out, Naval then raised up and started to stroke Korrow's dick. "Are you ready, honey?" Naval asked. "Y-yeah." Naval then put his dick into Korrow's ass. Naval then kissing Korrow as they let out moans, throughout night. "Korrow!" Monstrid was yelling from downstairs. Korrow and Naval slowly started to open their eyes, them being underneath the bed sheets with Korrow snuggled up against Naval, them having no clothes on. "Hi." Korrow said in a morning voice, putting his hand on Naval's cheek. "Hi." Naval responded also in a morning voice. Also putting his hand on Korrow's cheek. Korrow then leaned in and kissed Naval on the lips. 'Guess we slept in, huh?" Korrow said. "Yeah." "Guess so." Naval said. Naval then got out of bed and started to put on his clothes, the hot sun beaming on Naval's tan body. Korrow was still in bed, mesmerised. Naval then turned around. "Staring huh?" Naval said in a flirty and teasing tone. "Yeah, haha sorry." Naval tossed Korrow his shirt. "It's fine nugget." Naval put on his gray shirt. "Just get your clothes on." Korrow and Naval then descended down the stairs. "Good morning, kids sorry we slept in." Korrow said. "Dadda!" Monstrid said. "Dadda?" The crew said in unison confused. Naval then looked at Korrow. "Dadda huh?" He hugged Korrow. Luna was just staring. "No, your dadda, Korrow is dad." Monstrid said. "So breakfast." "What we want?" Korrow asked. "Cereal!" Monstrid. "Haha good I didn't feel like cooking." As Korrow was pouring the cereal, Naval let out a sweet smile. He then noticed Luna zoning out. "Luna?" Naval asked concerned. "Luna honey?" Korrow also asked. "Hm?" Luna said still zoning out. "Breakfast." "Oh, yeah." Luna said. Luna grabbed her head. "I just got a killer headache." "Hah killer." Guero said. Killer was circling his spoon around the cereal. "Killer, are you ok, you've barely touched your food." Korrow said. "I'm not hungry." Killer got up and walked away. "I'm not either." Luna said, also getting up and walking away. Crescent soon followed suit. Monstrid and Guero then took the crew's bowls and poured it into theirs. "I'll eat it." Monstrid said. Korrow just looked at Naval, "They need to go to school." "I know who to call." Korrow then took his phone and called up someone. Luna was looking out of her window. "Oh look, it's a shooting star." "Hah it looks like it's heading right for us." Luna let out a chuckle. "Wait what?" She then noticed that the star wasn't a stair but in fact a headlight. The headlight then started getting closer to the house. There was a woman on a mauve motorcycle, the motorcycle then went down onto the ground, the motorcycle was still going towards the house, but then the woman drifted. The woman then got off of the motorcycle, and took off her black helment with a unicorn on it, her long brown hair falling down. "Hello, Wa Wa." The woman. "Grammy!" Wa Wa said happily, he then wrapped around her fulled with pure joy, she put her hand under his chin. Korrow opened the front door. "Alright Wa Wa let her come in." "Bye grammy." The woman then walked in. "Hi Naval." Mabre said. "Hi." "Hi, Korrow." "Hi, Mom." "Mom!" The crew said in unison on the staircase. The woman then walked towards the stairs. "Oh my grandbabies and their friends." "So, this is my mom Mabre." "Wait as in the Mabre from the Unholy Squad?" Luna said surprised. "Yes, it is." "What's the unholy Squad?" Crescent asked. "I'll give the small explanation, as I'm sure Korrow has already told you or you learned about it in school." Mabre said. "We aren't in school." Mabre turned around at Korrow with a death glare. "Ok, that's why I called you." Korrow, Naval, and Mabre sat down at the kitchen table. "So we want to bring the kids to school, but we don't have the supplies to take them and you know the head of Magica High. We thought you might be able to help." "Hm, I might be able to help, But of course what about Tech Power school, not everyone is eligible to go into one or the other." Mabre spoke. "We could try and get the supplies for the Tech school." "You won't find those easily without being spotted." "We could help." Luna said. "Yeah." "Let us go Korrow." Killer looked away. "Yeah." Korrow took notice to Killer's response and noticed that Killer's eyes were bloodshot. Korrow got up, "No, it's too dangerous. What if you get caught? What would I do?" Korrow stated worried. "What if we don't get caught?" Crescent replied quickly. Killer then walked back up the stairs. Nile just looked at Korrow. Korrow then started to have guilt about his actions. Mabre just looked at Korrow. "Sounds like you have some family issues to solve." Mabre then got up and started to walk away from the door. "And Korrow, talk to them about it." Mabre then opened the door. "Love you Korrow, bye." Mabre said leaving the house. "Bye love you." Korrow then looked at Naval. "Korrow." "I'll make things right." "I know you will." Naval then kissed Korrow on the lips. The kids each went into their room, Korrow then went to each of the kids' rooms. He then told them to go to the kitchen table. But when he went to Killer's room but he was huddling under his blanket sobbing. "Killer?" "No one is home." Killer said letting out a sob. Korrow went over to Killer's bed. And sat down and put his hand on his shoulder. Killer got up crying and started to try to hit Korrow. Korrow grabbed his arms. "Hey, hey, hey, calm down." "Deep breaths, practice what I taught you." "It's your fault!" Killer said with a sob, the hot tears streaks running down his cheeks. "What?" "It's your fault, that she's dead, it's your fault that Pheno is dead." Killer let out a sob, he leaned his head onto Korrow. "Milo, no no, I promise it wasn't my fault, I tried my hardest to save her." Korrow lifted up Milo. He wiped away his tears. "I would do that for any of you." "Even Wa Wa?" "Even Wa Wa." Killer hugged Korrow. "I'm scared if we go back to the mainland." "I was sorta relieved that you said that we weren't going." "Yes, I know it's hard, a lot of your past is there, but, but sometimes we need to face the past to move on into the present." Korrow said, comforting Milo. Killer looked up at Korrow. "Does that mean?" Korrow shook his head, yes. "Ok Kids, I've taken in some consideration, and I'm letting you help gather the supplies." "Does this mean we are going to the mainland?" Monstrid said excitedly. "Yes, but under one condition, you must stay with one another and under no circumstances are you to use your powers or weapons, do you understand?" "Yes." The crew said in unison, but Monstrid said "Yes Dad." "What about the vehicles?" Nile asked. "They are made, but I made some modifications." The vehicles from before we rebuilt, as well as a small sports car for Monstrid and a flying carpet. "I have given you all a list of supplies, while me and Naval get the supplies for the magic school." "Be safe, my children." The crew excitedly went into their vehicles. When they turned the vehicles on, a voice spoke. "Training Wheels protocol activated." "Um what?" Luna said. "You put on training wheels?" Killer yelled. "Almost none of you can drive." "Senses, deactivate training wheels protocol for MKS24." "Deactivating Training Wheels protocol for Killer Stalker." "Hell yeah." Korrow went over to Killer. Putting his arm on the plane. "I want you to guide them, and if you get too overwhelmed," Korrow looked around. "From your past, you come straight back." "Thanks Korrow." "Drive safe." "Alright team move out." Killer said happily. The Crew then sped off. Naval then went over to Korrow and hugged him. "You made the right decision." "Yeah, I hope so."

Sabrina finally landed in Salem. With Werewolves, mummies, and all sorts of creatures about. "Sisters?" Sabrina yelled. Samantha and Satrina then turned around. "Sister, hahaha, I knew you would make it out, we were just on our way to break you out." "Oh Samantha, you don't have to pretend." "So why are we back in Salem, oh and I love what you did with the place." Sabrina said. Liber floated behind Samantha. "Oh, it's your book." "Liber." "Huh, what's that." "His name is Liber now." "Liber, I love it." "So who's on the agenda, Satrina?" "The closest would be the Invisible Man." "Then we fly to New Hampshire hahaha." "So where are we going to find enough spell books for all of the kids?" Korrow asked. "Well since it is only a beginner's it isn't too hard." Mabre, Naval, and Korrow then walked over to the edge of a cliff where there was fog. "Oh the Moving Fog!" "Moving Fog, what's that?" Naval asked. "Why don't we show you." Mabre said, turning around and then freefell into the fog. Naval was shocked, his eyes widened. Mabre then floated up the fog on top of a cloud. "It's ok, we can do it together." Korrow grabbed Naval's hand and they jumped into the fog.

The crew was flying over the sea. "So where are we going?" Carscod asked. "Killer?" "He cannot hear you." Senses spoke. The vehicles then deposited an earpiece to each member of the crew. The inside just being the front of the inside of the car, and the earpiece coming out of an exposed optical disc drive. The crew then put in the earpiece each being a different color corresponding to the color of their bedroom doors. "Hello Hello." Carscod said. "Car!" Monstrid said happily. "So Killer, where are we going, since Korrow elected you as the favorite kid." "One, I'm not the favorite, Two, Florida." "Why Florida?" Monstrid pondered. "Because it's the closest to the island." "Wait a minute, how did Korrow manage to build these?" Crescent wondered. "Maybe he has a past history with this kind of stuff." Killer stated.

The Crew eventually landed. "So what are we looking for?" Luna asked. Killer pulled out the list Korrow gave them. "Binder, cards tarot and playing, glasses protective and reading, protective gloves, and a bag of scrap metal." "Why is it so random?" Luna said. "So how are we supposed to find these items?" Crescent asked. "Thinking we wish we don't want to steal these items illegally we should go to the junkyard, a school, or when all else fails beg." Carscod replied. "But Korrow said we aren't supposed to be spotted by anyone." Killer said. "Maybe we could pass for humans if all else fails." Carscod said. There was a silence in the air. "Right then." Killer clapped his hands. "Let's get to work, we should split up Group A is me, Luna, and Crescent and Group B being Carscod, Monstrid, Guero, and Nile?" Killer suggested. "Just as long as we don't get found." Carscod said. "Okay it's agreed, Group A will be me, Crescent, and Luna, and B being Carscod, Guero, Nile, and Monstrid." "And me!" Wa Wa was attached to Carscod's back, his skeletal rib attached to Carscod's side. "OK, Wa Wa can stay with you Carscod." "But that would be uneven." Carscod said. "Fine, Nile you come with us." Killer said. Group A started to walk away towards the junkyard, and Group B went to the nearest school, Beachside High School. "We will meet up here in 10 minutes." Killer said he and Carscod pulled out a cracked watch. Group A made it to the junkyard. "How do you expect us to find a binder or anything like that in here?" Luna asked, confused on how they would succeed. "Well already one thing we can get." Killer said he pulled out an orange bag and started to pick up scrap metal, putting it in his bag. One of the metal pieces cut him. Killer looked at the open wound, the hot blood dripping down off of his palm onto the dirty metal ground. Crescent and the rest of the crew were looking for the supplies. Killer began to shake. He looked up, "Guys?" No one was there, the junk was everywhere, fire around. He then heard a whirring noise. He looked up and there was a Russian Warplane flying overhead, then a Russian Tank firing. He then looked around and there were buildings collapsing, people screaming, running, bleeding, and fighting. Someone limped over towards Killer and grabbed his arm. "Help!" The Woman yelled. "Killer!" "Killer!" Her voice then morphed into Luna's. "Killer!" Killer woke up. "What happened?" "You passed out." Killer looked at his hand. The blood dried up. "Are you ok?" Luna asked. "Yeah I'm fine, just tired, let's keep looking." Killer said get up.

Group B arrived at the school, "Wait, we can't get in." Carscod said. "Why not?" Guero asked. "Cameras." "Korrow told us not to get caught." "C'mon we can, just do a little, tactical, destructionment." Guero said. "Destroy the cameras?" Carscod said. "Listen, what have they done for us?" "Unless you have a better idea." "I mean we technically already robbed a museum." Monstrid backed up. "Ok." "Let's do it." Carscod said. "Wa let's bloody do it!" Wa Wa said. Carscod pulled out his shurikens, Guero his bow and arrow, Wa Wa readied his fire breath, Monstrid pulled out a needle, and Monstrid pulled out the bag for gathering. Group B sneaked to the front door, Monstrid tried to open the door. "It's locked." "We will have to go through the side window." Carscod replied. Group B then went to the left side of the building. "How do we get up?" Monstrid asked. "We have to break the window." Guero said. Guero summoned Jarnbjorn and threw the axe towards the window, shattering the glass. "Ok but now how do we get up?" Carscod pondered. Guero ran up the wall and grabbed the wall. His gloves protected his hands from the glass shards. He then picked up Jarnbjorn and knocked the remaining glass away. "Carscod grab Monstrid." Wa Wa said. Wa Wa breathed fire out of his mouth sending Carscod flying into the window, Guero ducking out of the way. "What about me?" Nile asked, still down on the ground. "I'll go get her." Carscod said. Then here they came again hitting the ground once again. Guero shot the camera looking at them with his arrow. "Wa Wa, will you please get the arrow?" Guero asked. "Wa!" Wa Wa said confidently, Wa Wa went and ate the arrow. "Not what I meant but ok." Guero said. Carscod threw his shuriken at the camera at the end of the hall, and Wa Wa eating the last one in the hallway, "So where do we start?" Carscod asked. "Check for extra supplies before we resort to taking from the classrooms." Guero said. Guero walked down the hallway and found a "Take what you need" container. "Nile." Guero hollered. Nile walked up from the stairs, "Yeah?" Nile asked. Guero picked up two binders and 6 pencils. "Open the bag please." Guero said. Guero put the supplies into the bag. "We should check the lost and found next." Guero suggested. The B-Team began to walk around, they found a hero poster, filled with people that the students looked up to. Some of the names were, "JFk, Buddha, God, My Dad, Your Mom, You, and Godspeed Titan." Each person had a doodle with the name. The B Team took a great look at Godspeed, they never heard from him, even from the couple of history lessons Korrow told them.

"Ok, we need glasses and protective gloves." Killer said. The group then heard beeping. The crew then saw a dump truck backing up into the junkyard. The Group then hid. The truck dumped more trash. The workers then got out of the truck. "Hey Gary, what's up with this trash?" The Worker asked, kicking a dog-looking animatronic. "Didn't you hear, most of the pizzeria joints closed down and scraped the animatronics, due to the pandemic a couple years back." Gary responded. "Whatever." "Yeah sure whatever Harold. "Wait guys." Luna said. "They have gloves." "We are not going to kill someone for gloves." Killer said. "We're not gonna kill them, just make them unconscious." Luna responded. Luna picked up a piece of metal and threw it at Harold's head. "Huh?" "Harold!" Gary yelled running over to the side of the Dump Truck. Gary then looked around and looked for the culprit. Luna threw another piece of metal at him. Group A then went over to Gary and Harold. Killer's leg got grabbed by the Animatronic Dog. "He .... Lp M...e" The Anmatronic said, sounding fearful. "Ok, ok just let go of my leg." Killer said calmly. The Dog let go of Killer's leg, he knelt down and looked at the dog. It was zapping and twitching. "They-they don't kkkkknow we have emotions." The Dog spoke. "We can't just leave him here." Luna said. "Crescent help me get him up." Killer said. "On it." Crescent and Killer put the animatronic's arms onto their shoulders. "He doesn't have any legs." Luna said scared and sad. "You poor soul." Luna grabbed the gloves before they left. "I think we have a bigger issue."

The doors to Magica School opened up. "For centuries, this school has hosted the most powerful classes in history." "But alas, we haven't had many new students for a while." "Well lucky for you, we want to enroll our, his, children." Naval responded. "Well, only a select few can enter, not my decision, but the magic itself, you see, you rather have magic, powers, or you use technology." "As per the emperor you cannot fuse them, such as technomagic, magical enhanced abilities, or technopowers." "Haha, I'm living proof you can." Korrow stated. "Yes, and that's one of the reasons you are wanted." The three of them began walking down the hallway. "Each class is designated to each form of magic, from nature all the way to creation." "Now for your kids who aren't capable of magic you will have to check in with the Principal of Powers, Mr. Sprowler and the Technology class principal, Mrs. Sol." "I wish you the best of luck, my son." Mabre put her hands against Korrow's face. "Mom!" "Oh, hush." "Bye Mom." "Bye sweetie."

"Where to first?" Naval asked. "The Power School." Korrow and Naval hopped back onto the moving fog. They eventually got to the Superpower School for the altered. Korrow then knocked on the door. Korrow and Naval then looked at each other. "Of course they aren't home," Korrow started to walk away. "We'll have to go in the morning." "Korrow." "Ah, but I can't just leave the kids alone." "Korrow." "Ah what do we do?" "Korrow!" Korrow looked back at Naval. "They'll be fine," Naval grabbed Korrow's hands. "If you truly wish we can have Ms. Era stop by after she is done watering her flowers in the morning, ok?" "Ok." Naval kissed Korrow's forehead.

Back at the school with Group B. They were looking around the lost and found bin. Monstrid found a blue jacket, "I want this." Monstrid said. Inside of the jacket was a name tag. "William." "Carscod, who's William?" "I don't know, why do you ask?" Carscod asked, responding to Monstrid's question. "His name is inside of the jacket." Monstrid said. "Then it is probably the owner of the Jacket." Carscod. "I can't just take someone's jacket." "It looks like it's been here for a while, Monstrid." Carscod knelt down and put his hand on Monstrid's shoulder. "It'll be fine." Guero found a beanie, "An alternative to having my hood up all the time." Nile started to put some clothes inside of the bag. "For the others." Nile said. "For the others." Killer said. He put a fist out towards Nile. Nile Closed her eyes. "Fist bump?" Killer said. Nila fisted bumped Killer. Killer found a red scarf, he put it inside of his pocket. Nile pulled out her Journal she found a while back, underneath the tree when they fought the Demon Dog. "What's that?" Killer asked. "It's a book that I found when we were fighting the Demon Dog. It looks like a history book, but it's in different languages." Nile responded, fascinated with the book. Killer pulled out a sticky note from the bag. "Can I see it?" Killer asked. Nile clinched it. "I'll give it back." Nile gave him the book. He opened the book. In the first page he put the sticky note and wrote something on it, closed it and gave it back to Nile. "Alrighty let's head out." Killer said. Monstrid walked over to Carscod. "Put out your hand." Carscod put out his hand. Monstrid gave Carscod a blue crystal necklace. "Thank You Monstrid." Nile opened the book, the stick note read. "Nile's notebook, the best little sister, do not open!" Killer and the rest of the group got to the front door. "Someone's here!" Guero said, they drew their weapons. Luna tried to open the door, but failed. She put her finger against the handle. It grew yellow, she then opened it. "That was not planned." Luna said. Luna opened the door. The groups reuniting. "Guys!" Killer said. "Who's this?" Nile said. "Is he okay?" Mosntrid asked. "He's a robot." Carscod said. "Hard to believe we don't have any on Monsterpelagos." Guero said. "It doesn't matter if we have any or not, we need to get him to Korrow, and fast!" "He's leaking blue blood and oil." Crescent said. The Crew then ran towards the vehicles, but something caught their eyes. A scream. "We must keep moving." Carscod said. "But someone screamed!" Guero said. "So what we're in a world of Humans." "Exactly, they're fragile." Guero then ran towards the scream. "Get him to the crafts." Luna ran after Guero. "Ugh." Killer groaned. Guero and Luna were walking through the woods trying to locate the area the scream came from. And then they heard it again. They found a girl being attacked by three people. "Who is attacking her?" Luna asked, confused. "A police officer." "Why, though, Officers are nice people." "Not all of them Luna, not all of them." Guero got up, but Luna put her hand on his shoulder and put him back down. "What are you doing, we aren't supposed to be seen!" Luna whispered. "And what are we going to leave that girl to get hurt and possibly die." "Well when you put it like that," Luna let out a sigh. "I'll get the two of the right, you get the middle one. The two got up and ran, Luna summoned a light construct of two bricks, she hit one Officer then another. Before the Officer in the middle could notice, Guero hit him with a rock. Guero quickly moved the Officer's unconscious body. He put out his hand to the girl. She was breathing heavily, bruises, scratches and blood on her. "It's ok I'm not here to hurt you, I'm here to save you." Guero said family. The girl put her hand into Guero's and he pulled her up. "What's your name, mine Guero." "Iris, thank you." Iris is an african american and has red hair, an orange jacket with a yellow jacket with a lightning bolt and jeans and a pair of tennis shoes. "Iris, huh that's pretty." Iris then looked over at Luna. "AH, what's that!" "That's Luna, don't worry she isn't a danger." "If you say so." "I need to find my dad." Iris ran away. "She ran surprisingly fast for being hurt." Luna said. "I think she is more than what she seems." Guero said, having a slight blush. Guero and Luna ran back to the rest of the crew. "Hey we're here." Guero said. "What was the noise?" Killer asked. "A girl." Luna said. "Oh a girl." Carscod said. "Was she screaming for fun?" Carscod said. "She was being attacked." Guero responded. "By police officers." Luna said. "But Officers are good." Monstrid said. "I wish all of them were Monstrid." Killer said, crossing his arms. "Alright let's just get out of here." Crescent said. Back at the school. There was something the crew didn't notice, a camera above the front door.

"So why are we here?" Sabrina asked. "Because you fool, we need to find the Invisible Man for Satan's plans!" "But Samantha, how will we find him? He's well Invisible." "Yes, but lucky for us, he's dead." "Um, how is that lucky for us?" Sabrina asked. "Because you simpletons, if he's dead that means they saw him." "Meaning he is visible." "Now onwards." The three witches strolled through New Hampshire. Not having an eye batted. They then made it to the Claude Rains Graveyard. "Look there is the graveyard!" Samantha said. They began to creepily walk towards the gate, then they saw a flashlight. Samantha and Sabrina hit behind a pillar, but then Satrina stood there, waving. "Hello, fair mortal, we need to find the Invisi-" Samantha grabbed Satrina and pulled her away. "You fool, we can't just go telling people we're looking for the Invisible Man!" "That's foolish." Sabrina said. "Highly foolish!" Samantha backed up. "But we have black cloaks on can't we pretend we are in mourning or religious?" Samantha then hatched a wicked plan. "Hello, is anyone there?" Dave the Graveskeeper said. The Three Wicked Sisters jumped out. "Jesus, you can't jump out on an old man like that!" "Terrible sorry, Mister." Samantha said. "Why are you three women out so late?" "We're Nuns." "And we um." Satrina said. "Are here for our great uncle's grave." Sabrina said. "To mourn." Samantha said. "Yes, to mourn." "Uh what's his name?" Dave asked. "His name?" Samantha looked back at her sisters confused. "Um" "Well" "He's um" "AHHHH" Samantha shot a lightning bolt at Dave, as she shot the bolt her ginger hair turned blue. The Wicked Sisters stood over the body. "So much for being Nuns." Sabrina said. "Fan out, find him." Samantha said. "How are we supposed to find Great Uncle, we don't know his name." Sabrina said. "No one knew his name, meaning the tombstone doesn't have a name!" The Wicked Sisters started to look around for the grave, Liber then floated off of Samantha's back and hovered around. Liber then hovered over a tombstone. "Found him!" Sabrina said. The Wicked Sisters stood over the tombstone. Liber then hit Samantha in the back, "Ow." "What Liber, we found him." Liber then hit Samantha in the leg. Liber then floated over onto the gravestone and hopped on it. "I believe Liber found him, Samantha." Samantha pouted, "I still believe this is him." "Oh Liber." Liber, annoyed, went over to Samantha. Samantha then turned the pages. "Vi huius sancti libri, Hominem invisibilem ad terram dedo." The ground beneath them began to shake. The Three Sisters stepped back, Liber hid behind a tombstone. The Casket lid bursted off. The three sisters looked into the grave. The Three Sisters yelled in terror. Inside of the casket was a naked man. "Well he sure isn't invisible." The Naked Man then climbed out. "Hey there sugar tits, my name is Billy Boy, and may I say you look darn tootin' fine, shoo wee." "Speaking of wee, I need to go take one. Billy got up and went over and started to pee. "Why does he have three fucking warts on his behind?" Satrina asked. "I don't know, this can't be the Invisible Man, the Invisible Man wasn't country, he grew up here." Liber then flew into Samantha's hands. Liber flipped his pages and landed onto the name Griffin Whales. "Griffin Whales?" Billy then had a look. "Oh Whales, The Killer that cannot be seen, good thing he's dead." Liber flew over towards the tombstone he found earlier. Liber laid against the tombstone. "Liber if you may." Liber flipped his pages. "Sceleris huius libri vi Griffini ad mortalia regna reduco." A storm began to brew, the earth smelled, the humid air grew in, the warm raindrops hitting the three sisters. The ground shook, violently. Liber jumped up, and hid behind Samantha. The Casket flew off, once again the sisters looked inside of the casket. "Is he in there?" Sabrina asked. "Is he alive?" Satrina asked. "I don't know." "Yeah, I'm here." "AHHHH" The Goodworth Sisters screamed, and looked around. Samantha shot a lightning bolt out of fear. "Oh my butt!" Billy said. "Wow, I didn't know I was that ugly." The Invisible Man spoke. "Wait, are you" "Naked?" Satrina whispered. Griffin whispered back "Yeah." "Well, no matter we'll get you some clothes, now we fly!" Samantha said. "I can't fly." The Sisters stopped walking and looked behind them. "You're not looking at me." The Sisters turned their heads. "Little more, a little more, there that's perfect." "Wait, nevermind a little more." "Enough!" Samantha said. "You'll just ride with one of us." "Samantha I don't want him riding with me," "He is naked." Sabrina whispered. "I'm right here." The Sisters screamed. "He can ride with me~" Satrina said flirtatiously. "Wow, hot momma." "You know how about we just take the bus." "AWWWW" Satrina and Griffin booed. The Three Sisters and Griffith sat on a bus bench. Satrina gossiping with Griffith, as strangers walked by giving her a look. "Samantha, people are looking at us." Sabrina said. "I know." "Do you think it's the robes, should we have changed?" "No, I don't think it's the robes." The Two sisters looked at Satrina. "Oh." Satrina and Griffin looked at the two women. "What?" Griffin said. "Nothing." Samantha looked away. "This takes me back, Sabrina." "Yes it does, Samantha." "It reminds me of the first time I bit a virgin's arm." "And the time you feel down the stairs." Samantha laughed. Sabrina had an unamused look. The Bus then came. "Ah, the bus." The Three Sisters got on, then the bus driver shut the door, Griffin outside. "Wait!" Satrina said. The Bus Driver slammed on the brakes. Making Samantha and Sabrina hit the leather bus seats. Satrina ran up towards the bus man. "You forgot my friend." Satrina said. The Bus Driver looked at Satrina confused. "Go ahead and open the doors." The Bus Driver opened up the bus doors, Griffin getting on. "Thank you sir." Griffin said. "You're welcome." The realisation finally hit The Bus Driver. He just shut the door. "Now where to?" "New York." "Onward Bus Boy!" Samantha said. The Bus Driver stopped the bus, the sisters and Griffin hitting the seats again. "I am not driving all the way to New York." "You will." "I will not you old hags." Satrina and Sabrina looked at each other. Samantha then got up. "Oh no he didn't." Griffin said. "Oh yes he did." Satrina said. "What did thoust call us?" Samantha said. "A old hag you bitch." The lights in the bus flickered and the bus itself shook. Samantha then teleported behind the bus man, with a light blue energy that dissipated. Samantha had two light blue orbs with lightning connecting them, light blue eyes, and light blue streaks in her hair. "You will not insult my sisters." "Now drive, you mere peasant mortal." "Yes Ma'am." Samantha went back to normal and sat back down with Sabrina. "Holy Shit." Griffin said. Samantha then smirked, proud with herself. "No one messes with my sisters."

Korrow and Naval were back home. They then went to bed. But due to their travels they only got four hours of sleep. Monstrid woke up, crying. Naval groaned, getting up. He nudged Korrow, "Korrow it's time to get up." Korrow hid underneath the blankets. "Hm." He turned around at Naval. "Can't we just stay like this?" Korrow said, putting his hand on Naval's face. "I wish, you know, whenever we put the kids to school, how are we going to work, they still don't know about me being, me." "And how many times do I have to remind you, we are going to tell them." "Korrow your eyes, they are so blue." "Aw thanks." "No, as in they are blue, like majority of your eyes are blue." Korrow got up, "What?" Korrow said scared. Naval quickly got up. "Do you think we should call the doctor?" Naval asked. "I'll be fine." Korrow said. Korrow then got out of bed. "Ow." "What's wrong?" "I don't know, I got out of the bed and when I hit the ground I just hurt." "Should I call the doctor, Ms. Shaman could help." "I'll be fine, Naval." Korrow walked off then stumbled down. Naval got him up. "Korrow, you're not ok." Naval said. "But what about the kids, them going to school?" "Ms. Era can take care of them." "But- but breakfast." Korrow said. "They can take care of themselves for one day, Korrow." Naval said. Naval grabbed Korrow's hands. "Your hands." "What about them?" "They are so cold." Korrow then shot an icicle out of his hands. "Ok, I'm definitely calling the doctor." Naval picked up his phone. "Dammit it's dead." Naval then plugged up his phone. Korrow's hair frizzed up, Naval had his hand on the bed, he got an electrical shock. Korrow's hands started to drip water. "Korrow!" Luna hollered. "Naval I have to go check on them." Korrow said. Naval grabbed Korrow's shoulders. "Korrow you need to stay here." "I'm going to go get Shaman, stay here." Naval opened up the window, he then sprouted black wings, Naval looked back at Naval. Korrow just blushed, but then frost formed on his cheeks and hair. "Be safe." Naval said. Naval flew off, and Korrow got up from the bed. He tried to make it to the door, his ear started to ring, he started burning up, his vision went blurry, he tried to limp towards the door but fell over. He reached towards the door. "Naval." "Korrow?" Luna said while walking up the stairs. Luna knocked on the wall, directly below of Korrow's room. Naval got down to the town. He then went to the receptionist's area. "Ms. Era?" Naval asked. Era got up from the counter with a box. "Well hello, Naval, what can I do for you." "Yes can you tell me the location of Dr. Shaman?" Era kicked the box behind here, the box being slightly opened with a green light protruding out of it. "Um no, not at the moment, I'm sorry." "Aren't you supposed to tippity tappity on your computer?" "It's not working." "Ok then." Naval left the room, with Era going back and opening the box. Naval then roamed around until he had the idea to go visit Jack for help. Naval then walked until he arrived at the hut. Naval knocked on the door. The door sprang open. "I have been expecting you, Cruz." Jack said, sitting in his chair. "You were?" Naval walked into the room, the door shutting behind him. "Please take a seat." Naval took a seat in front of Jack. "I heard that you need help with Korrow." "How did you- nevermind that how do I help my friend, boyfriend?" "Friend, How do I help Korrow?" Jack gave Naval a look. "Then again why should I help you, you did steal from me and release my father from his eternal imprisonment." Jack responded. "Please, I'll do anything, it's for Korrow." "Hm I'll make an exception." "You need to find the Witch Doctor." "I thought I was looking for Dr. Shaman?" "Yes the Witch Doctor is Ms. Shaman." "Well where do I find her?" Jack got up and walked over to his safe. Jack started to open the safe, Naval behind him. "I already changed the combination code." "Eh it won't help you." Naval responded. Jack grabbed a moonstone. An abnormally round and white one for it being a moonstone. Jack blew off the dust then opened the window, he then put the stone in Naval's hand. He felt the coldness of the stone on his palm, the stone must have been in the safe for a long while. "Put it in the moonlight, it will call onto the Babu." Jack said. Jack put his hand out of the window. "Wait, how is it already nighttime, who set the sun to be gone?" Naval said confused. "Perks of having an artificial sky and sun." Jack responded. Naval put his hand out of the window, the moonlight hitting the stone. The stone in response let out a shine. There was a little rattle in the house. Jack and Naval looked behind themselves. A figure walked through a hallway, they had on a brown outfit with leave like armour on them, a straw hat with a white plague doctor mask on with a staff with three red, blue, and yellow bottles attached to it, rattling. "There's your doctor." Jack walked towards the hallway from which the Witch Doctor entered but before he went in he said. "Naval, do not let that stone out, I forewarn you." before leaving into the hallway. "Ms. Shaman." Naval said. "Naval." Shaman said in a raspy but mystical voice through her ominous and dreadful plague doctor mask. "I sense that you need my help." "Yes, Korrow he's sick." Naval said. "No, he's not." "He's not?" "Then what's wrong with him?" Shaman slowly walked over towards Naval. "He's cursed!" Shaman said loudly, before turning away. "Well how do I stop it?" Naval asked. "There is a medicine to keep it away." "Great, how do we get it?" "I cannot make it." "What?" "Then I'll go to the Black Market, they open around this time." "Nor does the Market sell thine's medicine." "Then what do I do?" Naval said scared, slightly raising his voice. Shaman looked back at Naval. "Sorry for raising my voice, I'm just so scared for him." Shaman then quickly turned around shaking his staff as she spoke. "You must ride with the wind and time, and seek one who can forge it." "And luckily I can get you there." Shaman put his staff back onto the ground. And began to turn around to walk back into the hallway. "Meet me tomorrow at 9:30." "And Naval you should stop apologizing." She said, before leaving.

Back at the house, Luna and co were looking out of the window at the pitch black sky, oblivious they aren't looking at a sky at all. "The day went by fast." Luna said. "Yeah, too fast." Killer said. "Well we should be going to bed." Killer said. The crew turned around but then a monstrous hand-like claw grabbed the stairwell. The crew backed up, terrified, goosebumps going up their neck. The Creature sprouted a log beak, long claws, but with clipped wings. "H .... E .... Ll... p M .... E" The Monster spoke raspy and slow. It pointed towards the crew, a lightning bolt shot hitting the house. "OWWWW!" Wa Wa yelled. The lights flickered, Wa Wa put his head through the window. "Hey what's going on?" Wa Wa asked, looking at the crew. The creature jumped towards the crew. But then another creature crashed through the roof. The creature sprouted wings that were 12 feet long. The being's eyes were frozen. His mouth continuously has water flowing out of his mouth like a waterfall. The Winged Creature sent the Beaked Creature through the window. "AH!" Wa Wa said, ducking out of the way. The Beaked Monster grabbed the broken window pane and threw it at The Winged One. The Winged One flew up, the pane hitting the in between of the downstairs rooms. "My room!" Carscod yelled. The Beaked One jumped into the house. "We have to do something?" Luna said. "Like what?" Killer said. "Let's put these new upgrades to the test." Luna said. "Yeah!" Guero said proudly. Guero summoned Jarnbjorn. Charlie pulled out his headphones. Each crew member summoned their weapons. The Beaked One's beak detached fire spewing out of it at the other. The Winged One shot water out of its mouth. The Beaked one's eyes turned yellow and shot a light beam at The Winged One's eyes temporarily blinding it. Charlie touched his muff on the headphones and then stomped his foot onto the ground, sending out a taupe colored energy wave hitting the Beaked One. The Monster let out a screech and turned towards the Crew. He ran towards the crew. The Crew dodged out of the way. Wa Wa then slithered in and bit the Monster, the Monster threw Wa Wa at the wall. Killer pulled out his Desert Eagle pistol and started to shoot at the Creature, with the crew backing him up. The Beaked One grabbed Killer and had him at its mouth, fire being able to be seen. The heat hitting Killer. "Hey!" Carscod yelled. The Winged One looked at Carscod. Carscod took off one of the shurikens off of his staff and threw it at the Winged One's blank eyes. Carscod struggled but tapped a button on his pistol turning it into a staff, and hitting the underside of The Winged One's mouth, letting him go. Killer being dropped. The Creature ran towards the crew, full force. Its eye turning yellow again. Luna put her hand out and breathed. The yellow came out of its eye and came to Luna and became a chain. "I did it!" "Great, now do something!" Carscod said. Luna put a chain in front of them making The Beaked One trip hitting the wall in front of it, its foot hitting the fireplace. Killer threw a knife at it, but to no avail. The Creature turned around, to get a Ghost Sniper bullet to its other eye. Luna jumped up at the bullet wound, and stabbed her sword, The Sword of the Stars into its eyes. It screeched and flailed its arms in front of it, hitting Luna and Killer. Then it smelled, seeking the others. It grabbed Charlie and threw him. Then Guero, Guero having immense fear with being so close to the creature. "Guero, focus!" Luna said. Guero was struggling, feeling his body being crushed by the Masked Creature's claw hand. He wiggled, trying to get at least a finger out. He got his pinky out and pointed out. Jarnbjorn came flying towards him, he eventually got the axe. One of his eyes went blue and the other one green. He got his hand free and grabbed Jarnbjorn and jumped up and cut the beak off. The Creature roared out of pain, but no blood. Guero fell onto the ground due to the power drain. Crescent then jumped onto the Monster stabbing it with his sword. Wa Wa wrapped around the monster's legs, as well as the crew helping. "Somebody help!" Wa Wa yelled. Naval heard the commotion, he began to run towards the house, but then saw the kids. "I can't risk them seeing me especially now." Naval ran towards the Receptionist Area. The Masked Creature pushed the crew off of it. And then kicked Wa Wa. It tried to shake off Crescent but he stood his ground. The Creature then backed into a wall, smashing its back into it, making Crescent fall off. It then looked at Luna with malicious intent. Suddenly, The Winged One got up and grabbed The Masked One by the neck. "It's helping us!" Guero said. A figure jumped through the window with three vials. He had on a black military esc outfit with a black mask on. "Keep its mouth open!" The Figure said. The Figure sprouted black wings and flew on top of The Masked One's head. "Help him!" Luna said. Luna grabbed the chain from earlier and latched it onto one of The Winged One's arms and held onto it. "Help!" Half of the crew grabbed the chain. Killer threw a grey chain he had onto the Monster's other arms, with the other half pulling. The Creature yelled, The Figure dropped the bottles into the Creature's mouth. The Creature stood still. Its veins glowed red, blue, and yellow. It then yelled a light came out of the Monster, sending everyone far. Everyone eventually woke up, "Is it over?" Guero asked. "I think so." Killer said. Everyone got up and walked over to a body. "Was that them?" Crescent asked. The body was The Witch Doctor. Luna then looked around. "Korrow!" The crew then ran towards Korrow. Luna started to lightly slap him. "Korrow wake up!" Carscod went into the kitchen and got a glass of water and poured it onto Korrow's face. "Move, I got this." Killer said. "Wake up!" Killer slapped Korrow's face with full force. "OW!" Korrow said. "What the hell?" Korrow said. "Wait, why am I downstairs?" "You were a monster Korrow." Monstrid said. Luna then looked over and saw The Figure, his mask slightly torn. Luna got up and walked over towards him, the crew and Korrow taking notice. "Who's this Korrow?" Luna asked in a slight woeful tone. "He's, he's Lovebird." Korrow said. He then woke up, and crawled back at the sight of Luna, he got up and ran towards the window and looked at her, then Korrow. Korrow holding his hands together. Lovebird ran off. "Alright off to bed." Korrow began to go up the stairs. "You guys can sleep in tonight." Korrow said in a slight sad tone. The Crew all went to their bedrooms but did not sleep, just sat or layed in their bed questioning. Killer grabbed a framed photograph of him and Pheno. He touched the photo of Pheno's face. He let out a tear. Crescent got into his bed, "Night Luna." Crescent said happily. "Luna?" Crescent asked, Luna started to cry. Crescent quickly got out from underneath the covers and ran towards Luna and sat next to her. "Hey, what's wrong?" Crescent asked, putting his hand around her shoulder. "I just feel like Lovebird, I've seen him before but not on that day when we robbed that museum." Luna looked away, "Even then the robbing still doesn't feel good with me." "It doesn't sit right with me either." Crescent held Luna's hand. Luna turned her head towards Crescent. Luna's eyes turned purple with a white glare, they looked at each other intently. They then felt a sharp pain that made them lose focus. "What, what was that?" Luna asked. "I don't know." Crescent said. Each of the crew just stood awake, questioning everything. Korrow was lying in the bed, and was facing away from the window. Naval flew through the window. "Hey, are you doing okay?" Naval said. Korrow didn't say a word, hot tears streaming from his eyes. "Korrow?" Naval took off his shoes, and climbed into the bed. "Hey." Naval heard the tears. "Korrow!" He turned Korrow over. Korrow tried to turn away. Naval grabbed his face. "Hey what's wrong?" "Talk to me." "I have to leave." Korrow said. "What!" "Why!" Naval got up, also did Korrow. "I have to, if I want to keep this curse away, I need to go get the medicine. The Witch Doctor, I knew her, we are somehow connected. I don't know how, but I know where he got the medicine." "I have to go find Armageddon."