Another Morning

I lay motionless in bed. My body settled uniformly in the middle of the large purple frame, as the soft velvety feeling of the duvet drifted gently up to my chest. As a faint yawn leaked from my lips, I slowly stretched my arms freeing them for the comforting weight of the duvet as a satisfying series of cracks resounded throughout the large bedroom. I let out a satisfied sign as I leisurely blinked the morning haze out of my eyes. Lazy mornings really are the best way to wake up. With a satisfied grunt I bought my palms together in front of my chest, as I let my gaze trace the sides of the dome-like structure that made up my ceiling. Steadily observing the near imperceptible patterns etched into the walls of the room until finally I reached the apex of the blank white structure. As my gaze settled at the only blank spot on the dome a faint ping rang throughout the room. "Recognizing Operator Twinkle toes, Initiating pilot/cripple training sequence". The calm robotic voice was soon followed by a faint blue glow that spread throughout the tiles composing the dome, signaling the start of my usual morning meditation. A grin spread out across my face as the thumbs and index fingers of each of my hands locked into a circle. As the gesture was completed the tiles above me slowly shifted in color, transitioning from a sedentary white to the looming gray of a storm cloud. The changing shade of the ceiling was complemented by a vast array of tiny black spirals, The previously imperceptible patterns were now organized in a loose collection of helices that orbited slowly around each other. Unhurriedly I released the lock between my fingers and let my palms rest uniformly against each other. In response the speed of the helices' orbit accelerated rapidly, spinning faster and faster until eventually each individual helix broke off from their chains, the previously long structures breaking apart until the dome was littered with countless individual spirals. Each one gliding gently across the tiles according to my will as the ceiling reacted to the first verse of the mantra. "I am at peace", the spirals sprang into action drifting together across the ceiling, each one packing tightly against the other as the tiles behind them started to shift in color once more transitioning from a pale gray to a gentle blue. "I am whole", the army of spirals came undone, each one unfolding from their continuous loops to form eight rows of singular lines. Each line slowly bending around each other until they came together into a single large spiral, the pattern coating the entire surface of the room's ceiling. 

"I am perfect", the spiral started to tighten. The lines slowly collapsing in on one another as they merged, the merged lines devouring each individual ring in the next layer as the structure sank in on itself. Encroaching towards the center slowly in an attempt to meld together in a perfect circle. My breathing grew deeper as the signs of a headache started to become apparent. The strain of my continued effort pushing slightly against the boundaries of my consciousness like a koi brushing against edges of a lake. Sending ripples across the layers of my concentration, their intensity growing as the merged lines slowly marched on the center. My brow furrowed as the lines grew in weight, each merge combining their individual mass into a growing whole until the final spiral in the center soon stood alone. A single individual surrounded by a wave of inky darkness, the nearly complete circle inching its way towards its final target. The momentum from its previous advance steadily dispersed until the black sea eventually ground to a halt. Inches from its target the black pool began to waver, the smooth inky surface rippling incessantly with my concentration. The weight was too much, pressing against my mind like a dreadnought as sweat dripped down from my brow. The faint beads of perspiration running free across my forehead even breathing became a harsher affair, less refined deep breaths and more desperate heaves as I struggled to maintain a steady rhythm. The semi quiet struggle raging on for as long as my battered lungs would allow, the ripples in the black expanse of the nearly formed circle intensifying with the passage of time. The circumference of the black wave was steadily falling apart, the ripples tearing countless tiny spirals free at the ends of the wave spilling freely from the grip of my consciousness . Until finally the construct fell apart, the various spirals leaping away from the binds of my mind as they spilled out haphazardly across the ceiling, the tiles shifting back to the pure white that rendered its service inert. Leaving the lone spiral standing at the former center of the projection. Staring down at me mockingly for a second before it drifted away, joining its companions in their renewed freedom. A sign spilled from my lips as I just lay in bed for a second. My arms splayed out like a dead fish as I rubbed my head against the cool surface of my pillow. Ten years, a decade since the incident and I still can't make a damn circle. Maybe I really am broken, with a grunt I sat up. My eyes inexplicably drawn to my greatest reminder of that day, the smooth black metal that made up my legs, the seamless dark alloy devouring all the light that touched it as the cold appendage lay quietly on the soft purple sheets. The only distinguishing features marring its smooth surface being a series of lightly etched green lines, thrumming with energy as they glowed softly against the metal husk. I leaned forward, my hand tapping twice on the upper thigh on my right, my fingers cold as they pressed against the smooth metal surface, activating the neural network that granted me control over my appendages. "Cooperire" the verbal command causing the appendages to vibrate softly before their green lines shifted into a deep purple hue, the air around them wavering until it coalesced into the image of the genuine article. The hologram forming millimeters from the metal surface spread out into the image of long, slightly hairy legs complemented by warm brown skin. The sight brought a slight smile to my face as I rolled out of bed. As my feet sank into the soft blue carpet I strolled lazily towards the touchpad on the wall. Making my way to the opposite side of the room while trying to make sure my eyes didn't drift towards the delectably tempting half empty bottle of shakari liquor on my nightstand. 'You know a drink in the morning has actually been shown to improve cognitive functions and if I use the cleansing chamber right after she'll never even know just how good my morning was.' Unfortunately my wandering thoughts were soon blown back on track as the temperature controlled atmosphere kicked in, sending a gentle breeze throughout the circumference of the room. The controlled wind caused my dreadlocks to rub gently against the middle of my bare back as the warm air rolled in from all sides of the room. The comfortable feeling elicited a large yawn that echoed softly throughout the room as I placed my palm on the touchpad"Initiating rejuvenation sequence, cleansing filthy human". As I rolled my eyes a soft whir filled the room as the interconnected panels that made up the wall came alive, sliding and folding in on themselves until they revealed two opaque glass panels. The panes slid through the space around me until they converged into an open top chamber accompanied by a nozzle cheerily popping out over the construct. "Initiating extreme pressure protocol" the robotic voice gleefully chimed, "Wait, Wait hold on I said WAIT" I desperately yelled as the nozzle began to vibrate violently above my head struggling with the immense force that threatened to eke its way down into the chamber. "Let's talk about ...… uggggghhh" my desperate plea was interrupted as a violent wave of green mist erupted out of the nozzle, slamming down on my head with the force of an ax kick. The abrupt blow slamming my mouth shut as the green mist began to violently seep through my skin reaching for the system of nanites interwoven into my being. My last reminder of home. As the mist settled into my system the little buggers sprung to life, greedily drinking in their nutrients as they swam throughout my nervous system reinforcing their connection with my body. A satisfied groan crawled its way through my teeth while my nanites enhanced every inch of my being ensuring that my body was returned to its peak state. As the process came to an end the pressure on my head gradually ground to a halt, thank god this puta was finally done. As I glared at the ceiling, the chamber rapidly disassembled sliding back into the wall as the nozzle gave out one last playful spritz before it accompanied the chamber in its return. "Rejuvenation sequence complete, parasite has been cleansed." I rolled my eyes as I raised my pinky finger towards the ceiling, increasing my pace as I made my way towards the panels which acted as my closet. As I approached the panels slid aside exposing a room lined with clothes, without much thought I grabbed a random blue shirt and a pair of black pants. Casually dressing myself before I proceeded further down the hallway towards the large circular platform resting at the end of the room. A swirling black mass of nanites hovered quietly over the faint green glow emitted by the platform's surface. The swarm pulsed rhythmically as they swam through the air, each individual soaking in the pale glow that radiated beneath it. As I approached the cloud of nanites darted excitedly towards me crashing against the boundaries of the podium like an excited child finally seeing their parents after a long day. The sight brought a smile to my face as my palm pushed through the boundaries of the platform, immersing itself in the living cloud that cheerfully ran up the length of my arm to gather around my frame. As they broke free from the podium I felt their hive mind gleefully connecting to mine as they buzzed affectionately at the established link. Coat, the nanites instantly responded to my mental command. The black mass hovered briefly over my clothes before it settled softly over my skin, interlocking and folding over themselves until they settled into the form of a long black trench coat near imperceptible from regular fabric if you didn't notice the faint ripples that pulsed periodically throughout the material. With a soft smile on my face I rubbed my left sleeve causing a satisfied chitter to resound throughout my mind, before my gaze found its way to the grip of two pistols sticking out of their charging slots on the wall next to me. Nah I'm just grabbing breakfast, with a shrug I left the room. The panels sliding back into place behind me as I made my way towards the two large circular windows that made up the only way in or out of my property. As I approached the windows the shutters isolating my space from the outside world automatically ascended. Exposing me to the warm light of the morning sun as the window on the left split open providing me with a path to the outside world. With a smile on my face I stepped out of the window into the warm breeze of the outside world.