Bloodline Out of control

In this brief moment, even Vader knew that her only saving grace was the fact that Gray's level had been too low.

The first time Gray had felt a load of power, he was fortunate enough to have only felt pain and anger. After all, it was the most prominent of all the negative feelings at the time. 

However, this time around, it was different it was more of fear.

This time around, it was something else entirely. It was fear. 

This fear had accumulated in his body as a result of Vatu's terror of the corrupted souls.

He was currently far away from the port, but his bloodline had been overloaded with it.

Gray was not one that had the nature of a coward. An overload of fear did not make him back up into a corner. Instead, it excited his animalistic reflexes to take action.

With a swipe with his claws for Vader's neck, Gray moved.