Meanwhile, in Gray's mind, something else was happening. A memory had surfaced. 

It was the same memory of his father, Ironclaw, cultivating along side his elder brother, Dan.

As the snow fell slowly on their bare skin, it melted away. 

In this forest, only the two of them were not covered with snow. Somehow, they were able to do two things. 

The first was maintain the body temperature in such a manner that did not allow them freeze over and at the same time, they were able to fight against the snow. 

Continuously, Gray could hear Ironclaw say the same thing over and over again, "Give yourself to the bloodline. Let it flow through you. Let it guide you." 

As he said this, Dan seemed to understand. 

All of a sudden, the memory seemed to morph as Ironclaw immediately looked at him, his head transforming into that of a ogre, "Gray! Gray!! Wake Up Gray!!!"

Instantly, he opened his eyes.