The Hunt in The Forest of Black Night

Paddy, the formidable and charismatic leader of the Tree Top Centaurs, was intrigued by Gray's proposition. As they shook hands, her larger, more powerful grasp easily enveloped Gray's, and she offered a mischievous grin that belied the competitive spirit beneath. "Since you gave the offer for the courtship dance, then I'll set the terms for the competition. Why don't we make it more fun? You may pick any two either from my tribe or your team to join you!"

Gray, fully aware of the traditions and intricacies of the courtship dance, nodded in agreement. "I am aware of how the courtship dance is conducted. The male can get help from friends and brothers, and the female is also allowed to use her sisters and mates to sabotage their efforts." His understanding of the ritual was clear, showing respect for the centaurs' customs.