National Treasure and the Martial Artist in the Park Part II

“Chen Feng? Why such a long face?” asked Xi Lua.

“It’s work. The board rejected all my period drama projects. I’m at a complete loss here,” answered Chen Feng.

“A period drama? There are many novels of this genre on the market. Nothing caught their eye?” asked Xi Lua.

“I showed them the top ten bestsellers. President Tian Peng said that their plots are too clichéd; he wants something new, something fresh,” answered Chen Feng with a sigh.

“Hmm, maybe there is a way I could help. But I have to ask on that end first.” Bai Zhe’s novel popped into Xi Lua’s mind. Maybe his martial arts novel could work.

“Eh? There is an interesting non-mainstream work?” Chen Feng sat up straight, the once gloomy eyes becoming bright with excitement. He knew that Xi Lua was an avid reader. If he suggested something, it must be a high-standard novel.

At that moment, Bai Zhe arrived at the event, becoming a focal point the moment he stepped foot in the room because he was a teenage boy. However, people thought he was just the child or grandchild of someone at the event and lost their interest in him after a short while.

“Oh, Master Bai, we’ve been waiting for you,” Meng Dong, who had spotted Bai Zhe first, exclaimed before going to the boy. The words made the person who heard them turn around.

“Let’s go, Chen Feng. I will introduce you to your saviour,” said Xi Lua, taking Chen Feng with him to Bai Zhe.

“Hello, Mr. Meng, Mr. Xi, and…Mr. Chen.” Though it took the boy some time, Bai Zhe recognized the man because he had learned a little about famous people in the entertainment industry and Chen Feng was one of the most successful producers in the business.

“Who is this young man? And why do you call him Master Bai?... Wait. Does that mean…?” Chen Feng asked Xi Lua. Afterwards, he thought of a nearly impossible scenario.

‘Xi Lua has received a calligraphy painting from a mysterious master. And today he called this boy a master. This boy may be the artist of the paintings on the stage.’

“Yes, he’s the one who made the calligraphy painting,” Xi Lua whispered to Chen Feng.

“And how will Master Bai help me?” asked Chen Feng.

“Master Bai. After the event is over, if you have time, I’d like Chen Feng to read the novel you are writing. Would that be possible?” asked Xi Lua.

“Of course, sir,” Bai Zhe agreed immediately. Who knew? Maybe he could get some compensation if his novel was made into a television series.

“Great. Please excuse me. It’s almost time for the main event,” said Xi Lua before he left with Meng Dong.

Of course, Chen Feng asked the boy about the plot of his novel and found that it was quite interesting. From what he had been told, it was the biography of a man who had started from the bottom to become the greatest swordsman of the land. The novel also touched on politics in the royal palace and political games between martial arts sects. With the unique traditions and detailed cultures, it almost made him think that the boy in front of him came from another world.

“It’s the time that everyone has been waiting for. You must be curious about why we have 2 whole paintings on this stage. That is because one of them was made yesterday. The master who has done the calligraphy for them is here with us. Master Bai, please come up onto the stage.” Xi Lua was the MC. He got the lighting staff to shine a spotlight on Bai Zhe.

The sound of people chattering buzzed in the air at the moment the spotlight shone onto the boy. They doubted if this boy, whom Xi Lua called Master Bai, could create such phenomenal pieces.

“Quiet first, please. Master Bai, this way,” said Xi Lua.

The boy went up on the stage. Xi Lua got the staff to bring paper and a brush to Bai Zhe. Bai Zhe knew right away that Xi Lua wanted him to do calligraphy, so it would be a confirmation that he was the one who had done the calligraphy on the paintings that were about to be unveiled. It was certain that Bai Zhe agreed with the man, though he knew he had to prepare for the consequences, like obstruction by people of the art industry, persecution, and harsh criticism of his work.

“It would be a good opportunity for you if work comes out excellently. The people here are from different professions. If you get their respect, that means you get their support as well. And also, it will protect you from gossip,” Xi Lua told the boy.

“All right, sir.” Bai Zhe smiled before beginning to wield his brush.

The content that Bai Zhe was writing was projected in the background. It shocked the club’s members. The power that radiated from it made their blood pump. Their bodies shivered with excitement.

“A poem to rally the brave soldiers of Da Xian,” said Xi Lua.

Bai Zhe nodded. He had heard this poem from an advisor of a kingdom in the eastern part of Da Xian. He had used it to rally the soldiers when they were cornered by the enemy, to the point that they had been able to turn the tide and win the battle.

“This is incredible,” exclaimed Qian Mo. He had never read such poetry that so intensely incited bravery and stirred the spirits. It made him think about his youth, the time when he thought he could conquer everything.

The crowd roared as if they were soldiers who had been encouraged by their leader; the thunderous sound made the room shake.

“I think you all can see that Master Bai is truly a genius in this art form. Now, Master Bai, please unveil the first painting,” said Xi Lua.

Bai Zhe unveiled the first painting immediately, which made everyone’s mood change. They each sensed great power when they read the poem. It was almost like they were standing in front of a powerful liege lord from the past. They felt the force and the tenderness at the same time.

Seeing that the club members had been submerged in the emotions from the poem for a while, Bai Zhe waited for a bit before covering up the painting once more. That made the members slip out from the grasp of their feelings, one at a time.

“This is marvellous. It’s almost like I saw an emperor standing in front of me. The atmosphere was like we were in a throne hall,” Qian Mo said.

“The poem is absolutely beautiful, its rhythm, rhyme, and diction. Seeing it with my own eyes makes me realize how valuable this painting is,” Chen Feng said.

Not long after that, everyone agreed that this painting should be presented to the government to be named a national treasure. It looked like Qian Mo was the initiator of this idea.

Xi Lua gave Bai Zhe a look, signalling him to unveil the second painting. Bai Zhe lifted the cloth covering the painting up. A short moment after everyone saw it, they closed their eyes, taking in the happiness from the tranquil energy radiating from the calligraphy painting.

Bai Zhe waited until the appropriate time before he covered the painting with the cloth again. After a moment, the sound of people speaking rang out. People praised the second painting, ‘Tai Si Kong', saying it was as magnificent a work as the first painting.

The event ended with Bai Zhe gaining the respect of all the club members. They gave him their telephone numbers and assured the boy that he could call them if he had any problems. They were willing to help. Many of them wanted Bai Zhe’s painting as well, but the boy politely declined them.

“Mr. Xi will arrange an auction for the work ‘A Poem to Rally the Brave Soldiers of Da Xian’. Good luck to everyone.” Once Bai Zhe finished speaking, he speedily left the event with Chen Feng following him without anyone noticing because everyone’s attention was on the upcoming auction to be organized by Xi Lua.

The Bai Family’s Apartment

Bai Zhe invited Chen Feng into his apartment. His parents knew that it must be an important business discussion, so they stayed in their bedroom. The door was opened slightly so they could spy on their son.

“Here, sir.” Bai Zhe handed the notebook in which the novel was written to Chen Feng.

Flip, flip, flip.

It was as if Chen Feng was under a spell. He was pulled in by the plot of the novel. By the time he came back to his senses, what was in front of him was a blank notebook page.

“That’s it?” asked Chen Feng.

“I’ve not finished writing it yet,” Bai Zhe answered.

“Can you sell me the copyright to this book so I can make it into a TV series?” Chen Feng asked.

“My pleasure,” Bai Zhe agreed immediately.

“That’s awesome. Very well, can I take some pictures of the content to present to my CEO first?” asked Chen Feng.

“Of course, sir,” answered Bai Zhe.

Bai Zhe smiled after Chen Feng had left. If his novel was approved by Chen Feng’s boss and made into a TV series, the man would owe him a favour. Bai Zhe would use this to get Chen Feng to help him get into the entertainment industry; he was very sure that the man would help him. Still, he would likely have to find a way to ask Chen Feng politely and not make the producer feel bad.

The Next Day

Bai Zhe woke up early and prepared breakfast for his parents, leaving it on the table. He also made them lunch boxes, leaving a note saying that he would be out for a job he had accepted. The truth was that he planned to practice martial arts moves at the park.

The Park

Bai Zhe found a quiet spot in the park and got himself a branch that fit his hand, then started practicing the Myriad Flower Piercing Swordplay from the Emei Sect.

Every time the branch was wielded, the leaves lying on the ground were lifted as if they were blown by the wind. They circled Bai Zhe in the dim light of the park; the sun had yet to rise into the sky.

The branch precisely stabbed the circling leaves one by one, making it seem like a barbecue skewer. Bai Zhe did not realize that he had been spotted by the people who were walking by. They stopped to watch the boy perform his martial arts moves which were as beautiful as dance moves.

Bai Zhe heard the applause after he finished his practice. When he turned to see a crowd watching him, the boy hastily covered his face and used his floating technique to swiftly jump to the tops of the trees.

Even if someone filmed him and posted the video on the internet, the video would show just the outline of a face. It would be hard to determine if it was a man or a woman in the video. People called the mysterious person ‘the martial artist in the park’. Not long after that, some people thought that the video was an edited one, so people lost interest in it.

Later that same day, the press reported that two calligraphy paintings would be proposed as national treasures. Both paintings were shown on various media and received compliments from many citizens.

It made the Ministry of Culture announce the paintings as national treasures late in the afternoon of that same day. However, the original paintings were owned by Xi Lua and Meng Dong. They refused to move the paintings, afraid that they would be stolen or damaged during the transport to various exhibitions.

Bai Zhe focused on his studies all afternoon because he had an exam the next day. If he got a good score, all the loathing and belittling gazes would be gone, and he would be living his life at school happily. As Tai Si Kong had once told him, ‘Those who are rich with friends can conquer the world. Those who are rich with enemies find it difficult to live long lives’.