The Schoolgirls' Attack Part II


After the sound of the key turning was heard, the door was opened. Bai Lian Hua and Bai Qing Yun entered the apartment and found that Bai Zhe had poured them two glasses of cold water.

“Thanks a bunch.” Bai Lian Hua gently patted Bai Zhe’s head with affection. Bai Qing Yun, on the other hand, used his palm to muss the boy’s hair.

“What do you want today? And why aren’t you studying for your exam?” asked Bai Qing Yun.

“I already did. I guarantee you that for this midterm, I will be in first place for my year,” said Bai Zhe.

“Don’t brag. Your scores each semester will not be any different from any other semester. It’s good enough not to fail. We will not scold you if you have a low grade or score. Those kids who have a good score have time to study, but you don’t. You have to use your time to make a living. So don’t put so much pressure on yourself, understood?” said Bai Qing Yun. Bai Zhe felt a warmth spreading in his chest from his dad’s words—warmth he had never received from his real parents when he was in Da Xian.

“Once in a while, you speak well,” teased Bai Lian Hua before her husband carried her to their bedroom. After a while, she came out of the room with marks along her neck and her face as red as a tomato.

‘Hope there will not be any more kids,’ thought Bai Zhe. Even though he had lived a long life, one thing that he had never done before was taking care of a newborn. It was because his partner had passed away before they had had a child, and he had stayed single since then.

The Second Day of the Midterm Examinations

Ten female students approached Bai Zhe when he arrived at school. Their eyes looked very serious—as if they wanted to pump some sort of truth from the boy.

“You are Master Bai, aren’t you?” one of the girls asked.

“Huh?” Bai Zhe exclaimed with confusion before he realized that he had stolen Xi Mo’s spotlight yesterday.

‘Are these schoolgirls fans of Xi Mo who are displeased with me? But they don’t have any bad intentions radiating from them. Maybe they aren’t, then,’ thought Bai Zhe.

“Is this your picture?” Another schoolgirl stuck her phone out in front of Bai Zhe’s face. A picture of him shaking hands with Xi Mo was displayed on it.

“Oh, well, yes, it is. If you guys have anything to tell me, please quickly do so. I want to meditate before taking the exam,” said Bai Zhe.

“This place isn’t very appropriate. Can you follow us to the back of the school building?” a girl who looked like the leader of this group of fans said.

“Sure. But you better hurry,” Bai Zhe agreed and followed the group of schoolgirls.

All of them walked to the back of the school building. As far as Bai Zhe knew, this place was quite deserted. Many boys and girls usually gave their confessions to people they liked here.

“All right. Whatever it is, say it,” said Bai Zhe.

“Bai Zhe, did you wash your hands?” one of the schoolgirls asked.

“You don’t think that I am the kind of person who doesn’t wash his hands after he touches a celebrity because he wants to preserve the smell, right? That is rather bizarre,” answered Bai Zhe.

“I don’t believe you,” said the girl who was standing nearest to Bai Zhe. She grabbed his wrist. Then, she smelled it and her expression changed, which startled Bai Zhe.

‘Did she really catch the scent of Xi Mo? I thought I used qi to clean it all. His smell should not linger,’ thought Bai Zhe.

Suddenly, his hand was pulled back and forth. After they smelled Bai Zhe, the demeanour of the 10 schoolgirls changed. They spread out and surrounded Bai Zhe.

‘What is this strong force of desire?’ Bai Zhe felt desire rushing toward him, along with a hunch that warned him to quickly leave this situation.

The schoolgirls tried to find the source of the scent they had perceived when they smelt Bai Zhe’s hand. Their hearts were racing. Their bodies were moving uncontrollably. It was not long before their reason and logic were extinguished.

Bai Zhe did not want to do anything aggressive because he was afraid he would hurt these schoolgirls. Still, if he did not do anything, the virginity of this body might not remain.

“Hey! What are you searching for?” He pushed away the hand of a girl who was trying to unbuckle his belt.

‘Why can’t these girls seem to control themselves? Wait…’ he thought. Then, he realized that ever since he had practiced qi to the point that his body expelled a certain level of pollution, the body would release a sweet scent that affected the opposite sex. It made them go crazy. At the moment, he was unable to learn the skills to control this.


“Hey!” Bai Zhe came to his senses when his shirt was pulled off so violently that his buttons flew off, revealing his pectoral muscles and six-pack.

‘I’m in danger now.’ Bai Zhe did not waste time. He released his deadly psychic power to a level that could make people lose their consciousness.


The schoolgirls who had lost their self-control started to feel nauseous. They finally passed out one by one. Bai Zhe used qi characters to erase their memory about the situation that just happened.

‘That was a close call. I should be more careful when I’m around girls,’ thought Bai Zhe. He realised he should accelerate his practice of qi, so he could reach the level where he could proceed with Tai Si Kong’s scent-concealing technique.

“Oh.” He then recalled Tai Si Kong’s prophecy.

[Lives pass by, destiny occurs. Women are different from times past. If you meet ten maidens, you better rush away, if you do not wish for shame.]

‘The prophecy is so accurate, it is scary. I should hurry and try to remember the rest of these predictions that Tai Si Kong told me. How many of them were there?’ he thought, pulling his pants, which had been pulled down to his ankles, up. He then collected his buttons and started fixing his clothes. Bai Zhe did not know that a male student walked past just when he was pulling up his pants and buttoning up his shirt.

‘That is Bai Zhe.’ The boy was Bai Zhe’s classmate. He was hiding and spying on Bai Zhe who was putting his clothes on, unconscious girls on the ground in a circle around him.

‘This guy is amazing. Looks all quiet, but he is a playboy. I should ask for his tactics.’ The boy waited until Bai Zhe walked away. He came out of his hiding spot and quickly followed the boy, only to find that Bai Zhe had disappeared after he had walked around the corner.

The sound of the bell woke all of the 10 girls up. They screamed as if it was the end of the world. The girls sprang up before running toward their examination room, definitely forgetting about meeting Bai Zhe that morning.

The second day of the midterm examinations was a piece of cake for Bai Zhe, apart from the distressing situation in the morning. He was confident that he could get full marks in every subject.

The boy continued writing his novel right after he got back to the apartment, thinking that he would have finished it by today. He wrote it until the early hours of the morning, and that was why his first novel was finished this quickly.

‘It’s done. Let’s call Xi Lua then.’ He dialled the number on Xi Lua’s business card that he had gotten earlier.

Someone picked up the phone after a short time. An elderly woman’s voice rang, greeting him politely and asking about the purpose of his call. Bai Zhe immediately told her.

“My name is Bai Zhe. I’m calling for Chairman Xi,” answered the boy.

“Oh, what is your business with him? The chairman is in a meeting. Whatever your business is, you can tell me, and I will let him know when the meeting is over,” the older woman replied.

“Yes. Please tell him that I’ve finished writing my novel. If he has time, we could arrange a meeting. I will take the manuscript for him to have a look,” said the boy.

“I will let the chairman know,” Xi Lua’s secretary replied.

“Thank you so much,” said the boy before hanging up.

Xi Lua’s secretary called him not long after to set up an appointment.

It was scheduled after school at the company.

‘I should get some sleep tonight,’ he placed a sheet on the floor before lying down. As his qi was not strong, he could not stay up all night so often. Letting his body actually sleep was the best way to make his body healthy.