Chen Feng’s Invitation Part II

“Hmm, Master Bai, please come inside. I will get the contract for you to read.” Wu Jia invited the boy to go inside the building immediately.

Bai Zhe read the contract and asked some questions. He had a lawyer whom Xi Lua had hired to answer his questions about legal matters. He signed the contract after he was sure that it was all right. Xi Lua, who was now his guardian, signed to certify the document as well, because the boy was not yet of age to enter into a contract by himself.

Naturally, the contract signing happened without any trouble, which made Wu Jia happy. He wanted to scream with happiness from just imagining the sales. He had never thought that Bai Zhe would ask questions about some of the conditions and note them down on a piece of paper. The boy had even gotten him to sign on the paper to guarantee that the notes he had made were correct and that they had the same understanding of the content.

“The paperwork is done. I would like to invite Master Bai and everyone from the club to the main meeting room. There is a buffet ready there. We could walk around and have a chat. I have to take care of the contract documentation first,” said Wu Jia before leaving.

After Wu Jia left, Xi Lua and Bai Zhe, guided by the publisher’s staff, went to the main meeting room, which was turned into a dining area.

The main meeting room, Xan Long Publishing Company

Qian Mo was the first person who greeted Bai Zhe when the boy arrived at the reception. His gesture looked like that of a junior paying respect to a senior, which made Bai Zhe feel awkward. Because his body was just 15 years old, it would not seem appropriate if other people saw this.

“Master Bai.” Qian Mo folded his hands and slightly bowed to show his respects to the boy. Still, Bai Zhe was a great deal younger than him.

“Mr. Qian.” Bai Zhe also folded his hands and bowed. Certainly, his bow was lower than him because Qian Mo was older than him in this body.

“Master Bai, could you please make me a calligraphy painting?” Qian Mo walked over to the boy and whispered.

“Mr. Qian, if he does calligraphy for you, soon everyone will ask him to do the same,” said Xi Lua, making Qian Mo’s expression become one of disappointment.

“I can do that. But you have to show it to others after your birthday,” said Bai Zhe. He thought that this was the best solution to this problem.

“Really? Thank you so much, Master Bai. I promise that when this novel is published, I will help to advertise it to the best of my ability,” said Qian Mo.

Many people came over to talk to Bai Zhe after that. For sure, some of them asked Bai Zhe to create calligraphy paintings for them, but the boy refused. Moreover, the executives of TV stations told him that if his novel became famous, they wanted him to appear on their TV programs. Of course, Bai Zhe accepted their invitations in a friendly manner. These were the opportunities that he wanted.

“Master Bai, can we continue our conversation from the other day?” Chen Feng walked over to Bai Zhe, making the executive who was talking to Bai Zhe immediately end their conversation. Chen Feng was a producer with a Midas touch whose skills and reputation were well-respected by many TV station executives.

Chen Feng took the boy to the room next to the meeting room where Xi Lua was already sitting on the sofa comfortably sipping his wine.

The producer made Bai Zhe stand straight before pulling out his phone to take the boy’s picture from different angles. It made the boy curious about what Chen Feng was doing.

“Uh…that is…what are you doing, sir?” the boy asked, tilting his head a little with curiosity. The boy’s reaction made Xi Lua, who was about to swallow his red wine, spit it out.

‘C…cute. My grandson is so cute.’ Xi Lua’s face looked like a person who had fallen head over heels for his newborn grandchild.

‘H…he’s devastatingly handsome. I was right. He’s really suited to be a superstar.’ Chen Feng was mentally affected as well, and this made him feel even more confident that the boy could be in show business.

“Master Bai, are you interested in working in the entertainment industry?”

“Eh? Can I? I don’t have the knowledge or foundation for it,” said Bai Zhe. He was not that confident, even though he had watched video clips and news from the internet. It was like looking at the bottom of the ocean from a yacht. He could not know the ins and outs of the industry.

“These things can be practiced. Look at Xi Mo, Mr. Xi Lua’s grandson. When I asked him to consider working in show business, he said something similar. I put him through many training courses until he could become a famous model these days,” said Chen Feng proudly.

“Stop right there, Feng. You have already taken one of my grandsons. Now, you want to take another? Can you just let me have one to pamper?” Xi Lua pulled Bai Zhe into his embrace, looking at Chen Feng sulkily.

‘Is this old man being possessive of someone who is not even his flesh and blood grandson?’ thought Chen Feng.

“Xi Lua, you have turned into a lonely grandpa. I didn’t forbid you from meeting your grandson. You are a workaholic. Do you even have time for him?” asked Chen Feng.

Bai Zhe saw that the two had started to argue. He had to find a way to stop this before it escalated. He took both of their hands and walked them to the meeting room, then walked up onto the stage.

It made Xi Lua and Chen Feng, who were in the middle of an argument, stop and look at Bai Zhe. They tried to figure out what the boy was doing. Everyone in the room stopped their conversations and looked at Bai Zhe with interest.

When he noticed that everyone’s eyes were looking at him, Bai Zhe started to sing the Tai Si Kong ballad in a voice that held the intention of tranquillity. It made everyone close their eyes and sink into the swirl of emotion of the ballad that Bai Zhe sang. When the ballad ended, they slowly woke up from their reveries as loud applause sounded.

“So, this is how the Tai Si Kong ballad is sung. It was beautifully melodic.”

“Excellent, truly excellent. I’m lucky that I was here.”

“Did anyone record this?”

“I just happened to.”

[[[Send it to me.]]] Without it being planned ahead, everyone in the room yelled at the same time after they heard that someone recorded a video for that person to send it to them.

The atmosphere in the room became lively again. Bai Zhe was surrounded by club members. It took quite some time for him to part from them.

“I accept your invitation,” Bai Zhe said to Chen Feng, while Xi Lua looked like he was about to cry. For an old man like him, his friends could die at any moment, and his younger generation was managing the affiliate companies, so they met up only two to three times a year. Also, his real grandson was so busy that they barely met.

“Great. I will send you the schedule for the training courses later,” said Chen Feng.

“Grandpa, don’t be sad. I promise I will video call you every day,” said Bai Zhe.

Before the event was over, Wu Jia came over to ask Bai Zhe for permission to give the guests the manuscript of his first novel on the one condition that they all had to help advertise the novel.

There was no need to think about it much. All of the guests agreed and went home to read the novel immediately. Xi Lua had his driver drive the boy home.

The abandoned building, Lao Lao’s Sect.

Yi Han's naked body was lying on a bed. His limbs were chained. He slowly opened his eyes when he regained his consciousness. The first thing he saw was Lao Lao’s face; he was staring at him angrily. Yi Han gave a start and rose, trying to escape. But he found himself chained to the bed.

“What is this, Master?” asked Yi Han. He had a feeling something bad was going to happen. He became more panicked when he saw his body was naked.

“What is this, you dare ask? I already ordered you not to try anything with Bai Zhe yet,” Lao Lao scolded him.

“He’s just an ordinary boy…” Yi Han had not even finished his sentence when Lao Lao slapped him. He tasted blood in his mouth and the red liquid dripped from the corners of his lips.

“Ordinary boy? Your senior is screaming like a crazy person. He keeps screaming, ‘Help! The big white tiger is trying to eat me!’ I had to inject him with a sedative. Luckily, he could tell the story,” said Lao Lao.

“Bai Zhe is not a normal boy?” Yi Han asked.

“From what I have heard, he was found to have used qi power, but he could make you lose consciousness, which is not normal. I think he is a warlock,” answered Lao Lao.

“W-warlock? How could that be? It’s impossible,” said Yi Han.

“The qi power that you thought did not exist is real. So, you better be careful. This time, he didn’t intend to kill you. You are lucky that you are alive. But…” Lao Lao’s tone changed to one filled with anger, sending a shiver down the boy’s spine.

“M…Master, don’t tell me that I have to be punished by my yang being pumped out.” Yi Han struggled back and forth, trying to make the chains that bound him break, while Lao Lao stripped off his clothes.

“As a teacher, the student who does not obey must be punished. I just thought of a punishment that would make you unable to go anywhere for two to three days,” said Lao Lao. He then parted the boy’s thighs and placed his legs up onto his shoulders.

“W…wait. Master, don’t say that…” The boy had yet to finish his sentence when Lao Lao pushed his length into Yi Han.

“Ahh! Master, I’m sorry. I…ouch…won’t…do… again…ahhhh. Master!” Yi Han screamed in pain and from the feeling of being filled to bursting. Instead of stopping, Lao Lao quickened his pace.

Hearing Yi Han screeching in pain, Lao Lao’s other students, who were outside, were breaking into cold beads of sweat, their hands covering their buttocks.

No one had ever had a special punishment like this since they had started living with Lao Lao. It looked like their master was more furious than he had ever been, which made the students too scared to stop him, for fear of being dragged into it. They did not want to be a part of this. The only thing they could do was to pray for Yi Han, hoping the boy could get through this night.