Business Partnership with Mu Tian Part II

“Though I am the person who sent you, you have to join the qualifying round like other people, in accordance with the program’s rules. If you cannot pass it, you will not have any right to ask me for any other things, except filming the drama with me,” said Chen Feng in a serious voice.

“Thank you so much.” Bai Zhe thanked him before he hung up the phone. The qualifying round would be held next Saturday. Bai Zhe had to take a leave from his acting class as well.

Chen Feng took care of the boy's application for the competition swiftly, as well as the leave for his next week’s acting class. Bai Zhe’s plan for getting famous was proceeding, he thought this while entering the LSA training centre to join Mr. Dong’s class, the intermediate acting class.

Mu Tian Company

Mu Si Cheng entered the company happily. The employees bowed and greeted him with “Hello, Mr. Mu” all along the way.

The boy walked to the office of the CEO, who was his father, and sat down, waiting for his father to finish inspecting documents.

“How are things, Si Cheng? You do not usually come down to the company. What brings you here?” Mu Tian, Mu Si Cheng’s father, asked after he was done with taking care of the pile of documents.

“Dad, smell this.” Mu Si Cheng handed him a handkerchief.

Mu Tian took the handkerchief from his son and smelled it. Then, his eyes widened. He found that the smell on the handkerchief was strangely cool and refreshing.

“Where did you get this?” Mu Tian asked with a suddenly serious face. He would never let this slip into his competitors’ hands.

“It is what is in this water bottle. The person who made this will sell it to us to be used as a fragrance oil. He wants 80% of the profits and our company will get 20%. What do you think, father?” asked Mu Si Cheng.

“That’s a large share of the profits. We barely get anything from it. It doesn’t sound like a good investment, and it is very risky, too,” answered Mu Tian.

“Well, try calling in about ten of your female staff under 30 in order to test this out. I guarantee after you see its effects, you will change your mind,” said the boy.

After that, Mu Tian asked 10 female employees who were under thirty into the office. Mu Si Cheng handed each of them a handkerchief and told them to smell it. Mu Tian could not believe the effect he saw with his own eyes; all 10 women were enchanted. They kept inhaling the handkerchiefs as if they were on drugs.

“Th... this is fantastic. This will definitely sell.” Mu Tian was excited about the thing that his son called fragrance oil.

“Do you want to send it for analysis? I only have this one bottle. If we could filter out all the unnecessary elements, we would have a concentrated fragrance oil. Then, we can dilute it, making it into a new perfume which will be our company’s new product. We will only produce about a few thousand bottles per month, and we will have a premium edition that has a little more fragrance oil in it. We will make only 5 bottles of the premium edition and only sell it through auction,” Mu Si Cheng explained the plan Bai Zhe had told him to give to his dad. Apart from helping his friend make money, maybe he would receive more attention from his dad.

“Hmm, let me have an analysis run on the liquid in that bottle first.” Mu Tian called the research and development department to send someone to bring this fragrance oil to the lab for analysis and strictly ordered them to send only male staff.

The analysis of its components began after the fragrance oil arrived at the laboratory. The results shocked the staff. From the analysis, they found a pheromone that was 1,000 times more concentrated than normal. It was mixed with a very small amount of water, but it was not viscous. Moreover, they had not found any other substances mixed into it.

They agreed that this concentrated pheromone was distilled from some animal’s secretion.

Apart from that, the CEO told them to test one drop of the fragrance oil with female members of the research team. The results shocked them as well because they witnessed reactions exactly like what the CEO had told them about.

The researchers later looked at the ordinary water bottle which contained the fragrance oil with the thought that the fragrance oil was quite scary. Just by inhaling it, women fell under the control of the fragrance oil. It sparked their curiosity. They then continued to analyse it without rest.

The Li Clan’s House

Matron Li went out to welcome the important guest who would visit the Li family.

Not long after that, a woman who was as beautiful as an angel in heaven arrived. She had smooth white skin. Snowflakes were flitting around her. She had the aura of a person who had reached the emperor qi.

“Matron Li, you don’t have to trouble yourself by coming out and waiting for me. Have you recovered from your sickness? The reason why I’m here is to check up on you. I also brought the strong yang herbs from my clan for you as well,” said the woman.

“Thank you so much for your consideration. Truthfully, I met a doctor who could cure my condition days ago. Now I’m recovering,” said Matron Li.

“Really? Who is he? Do I know him?” asked the woman.

“You don’t know him, Miss Baii. I will introduce him to you if there is an opportunity in the future,” answered Matron Li.

“Thank you, Matron Li. Speaking of, is Mei Ying home?” asked the woman.

“She is likely in the medicine compounding room as usual. This great-granddaughter of mine—the older she gets, the more stubborn she is. It is such a strain on me,” sighed Matron Li.

“Teenagers are like that. Well, since you are better, that means you can attend this year’s junior fighting event, which is about to be held, can’t you?” said the woman.

“Of course. I’ve missed this event for so many years. Anyway, are you staying the night, Miss Baii?” asked Matron Li.

“Do you mind letting me stay here for 2 to 3 days? I came down from the mountain, so I think I will have Mei Ying take me to a shopping mall. I haven’t withdrawn the stock dividends for use for a long time. It is to the point that my brother said, [You should take care of yourself, sister. Do you still dare to dress in such outdated clothes?] Another thing, I had a premonition that something good would happen to me if I came here,” answered the woman.

“Miss Baii Gui Ying, you believe in premonitions, too?” Matron Li asked out of curiosity.

“I don’t know. I just had a feeling that I would find something good when I came to visit you. At the very least, it’s the good news that you are finally recovered from your condition,” said Baii Gui Ying.

In the darkness of the night

Bai Zhe thought that he would go visit the Li Clan this Saturday. And that made Bai Zhe meet the Baii Clan’s member of this world. In Da Xian, the Baii Clan had been his clan, but it had been wiped out because of the greatest fighter in the martial arts community before he was even born. So, the boy had never felt the bonds of a big family before. Or was this compensation from God?