Visiting the Li Clan 1 Part II

‘That girl is surely the genius. She’s still young but can reach the emperor qi,’ thought Bai Zhe, before fixing his clothes and opening the door to get out of the car.

Li Zhou Ma, Li Feng, Li Mei Ying, Li Bai, Li Xi Yan, Baii Gui Ying, and the seven senior members of the Li Clan were waiting for the person in the car. When the door opened, a brown-haired boy with enchanting eyes and a handsome face got out of the car. He had smooth skin which even Baii Gui Ying and Li Mei Ying envied. His hair was styled in a manner that suited his sapphire blue shirt and black pants.

No one, except Li Zhou Ma, Li Feng, and Li Xi Yan, had ever thought that Dr. Bai was just a 15-year-old boy. They could not believe that the person who had saved Matron Li’s life was just a teenager. But the powerful aura from the boy made them believe that it was really him.

‘This formidable aura? I never thought that I would sense it from a kid who is only this old. Though I investigated his family, it showed that his family are not martial artists. This is strange,’ thought Li Zhou Ma.

“Greetings, Matron Li, all the elders, and all the young masters and misses of the Li Clan. And Miss Baii as well,” Bai Zhe greeted everyone. All of them and Baii Gui Ying were surprised at how Bai Zhe knew that one girl was from the Baii Clan.

“Dr. Bai, how did you know that apart from the Li Clan, there is someone from another clan?” asked Li Xi Yan.

“This Miss has the first level of emperor qi. From what I know, Matron Li is the person who has the highest qi in this clan, which is the sky qi, making me guess you have a visitor. So, I asked the people who picked me up and found out that it was Miss Baii,” explained Bai Zhe.

‘What is this nonsense? This person could sense and identify a person with emperor qi before he even arrived here. He’s just fifteen, but he has already reached a higher level of qi than Baii Gui Ying.’ Everyone thought the same thing. The way Bai Zhe did not know Baii Gui Ying before but could identify her qi power meant that his qi must be higher than Baii Gui Ying’s.

“You are young, but you have a higher level of qi than me. Can you tell me your name, Dr. Bai?” Baii Gui Ying was really interested in this boy. She had met young masters from various families who had a higher level of qi than her. But no one had made her feel this way before.

“My name is Bai Zhe. As you can see Miss Baii, I’m just a fifteen-year-old junior high boy with a little knowledge of medical practices and medicine,” said Bai Zhe humbly.

“Eh? You said you have a little knowledge? I, a person who couldn’t even cure my great-grandmother, must be a quack, then,” said Li Mei Ying, feeling annoyed. This boy was younger than her. Why did she have to respect him? And she also believed that her level of knowledge about herbs and medical compounding was higher than his.

“Mei Ying, that’s rude. I will punish you by closing your medicine compounding room for 7 days. Everyone has heard this?” Li Zhou Ma gave the definitive order immediately.

“Matron Li, if Miss Li Mei Ying is so confident in her medical compounding skill, why don’t you let us have a competition?” Bai Zhe suggested. Of course, Li Zhou Ma understood immediately that Bai Zhe was trying to teach Mei Ying a lesson as she had asked him to before this.

“That’s a great idea. Li Feng, go and prepare a place. We still have time until lunch. It seems like Mei Yin won’t accept Dr. Bai. This competition would be a great proof of their skills,” said Li Zhou Ma.

Li Feng ordered maids to prepare the competition area, with every detail under his supervision. In a short stretch of time, the place was perfectly prepared, with various types of herbs that were the fundamental ingredients of medicines.

“What medicine should we compete to fabricate? Doc-tor-Bai.” Mei Ying said his name by stressing each part of it. She was trying to get on his nerves.

“Just a basic qi strengthening medicine is enough,” said Bai Zhe. For him, medicine was the most basic of basic skills. He was confident that Mei Ying would spend a long time fabricating…, no, it should be called boiling.

“Well, if you two are ready, I’ll tell you the rules of the basic qi strengthening medicine compounding competition. The competition will take one hour. If you are ready…” Li Zhou Ma stretched her hand up into the air, then swiftly brought it down.

“…Start.” Immediately after Li Zhou Ma started the competition, Li Mei Ying hurriedly went to pick out the herbs that were involved. She compared the same types of herbs against each other, trying to select the best ones. Bai Zhe, on the other hand, could spot the herbs he wanted at first glance and picked them out, putting them into his basket.

“Erm, if you do not choose carefully, you may get hurt,” said Li Mei Ying.

Bai Zhe did not pay the least attention to her. He walked over to the table on which several pots had been placed. Then, he used a qi-filled palm to sweep them off of the table.

“What is he doing?” Baii Gui Ying was curious because the herbs had to be boiled to extract their medical components.

“Let’s see what he is going to do next, Gui Ying,” Li Baii turned to say to Baii Gui Ying.

“But I want to see Mei Ying lose. So, she’ll reduce her arrogance,” said Li Xi Yan.

“Shut up, Xi Yan. You foul-mouthed brother. If I win, you’re going to get it,” Li Mei Ying scolded Li Xi Yan immediately.

“Oh, I’m scared, sucker…oops, I mean, sister. Don’t beat me, please,” Li Xi Yan mocked her.

“Just you wait, you brat. After this competition is over, I will beat you. Just wait,” said Li Mei Ying angrily. She then closed her eyes, trying to calm herself.

After the table was cleared, Bai Zhe reached his hand out into the air, which was twisted. He then pulled his hand back, along with a golden medicine fabrication furnace. Ancient characters that no one recognised were carved all over its surface. Moreover, the furnace radiated a powerful aura as well.

“That is the dimension spell that is referred to in the ancient textbook. Has he already reached the king of emperor qi?” said Baii Gui Ying, making everyone turn to look at her.

Everybody knew that the ancient textbook of martial artists detailed the abilities of the king of emperor qi. The person who achieved this level could create, open, and close a dimension.

“He said that it was the act of pulling things out from the soul’s dimension. But one must have received strict training to be able to do this. If something goes wrong, his soul can be damaged or he could die,” said Li Zhou Ma.

“Is it possible, Great-grandmother?” asked Li Baii. Li Zhou Ma shook her head to show that she did not know either.

Now, Bai Zhe had placed the herbs in the furnace. Each type of herb was placed in a different part of the furnace before the lid was closed. He then turned to the Li Clan’s maid.

“Do you have any matches?” said Bai Zhe.

Everyone was surprised and mentally cursed, ‘They have prepared a charcoal brazier and a gas stove for you. Why don’t you use them? You are asking for only matches? Are you out of your mind already?’