Reaching a qi level in an embarrassing way Part II

"Feng Tian." Bai Zhe called the boy. Feng Tian stopped his practice when he heard that. He opened his eyes to see his master standing in front of him.

"Master, I was too focused on practicing qi that I did not sense the vibration of the qi around here. I am a useless student." Feng Tian got into a kneeling position immediately.

"Sit with your legs crossed. Today, I will help you to reach emperor qi," said Bai Zhe.

Feng Tian changed to sit with his legs crossed again while Bai Zhe restrained the qi pulses in order to block qi power, aiming to create a strong qi current.

"Absorb qi power into your Dantian continuously. I will be back in a moment." Bai Zhe disappeared after he said that.