The demon fox's plan

The next morning, Bai Zhe told everyone to pack their things because they would return home today. Bai Zhe's friends took a nap on the way because they had been very tired over the past few days.

The vehicles took all of his friends home, and the last destination was Bai Zhe's apartment. Bai Zhe and Bai Qing Yun helped each other carry their things out of the car. Bai Lian Hua went upstairs to open the door for them. Meng Qing Qing paid the rental fee and tips to the drivers before going inside the apartment, leaving Bai Zhe and Bai Qing Yun to carry everything up.

"Dad, Mom, Qing Qing, you all can go and take a shower first. I will unpack our things," said Bai Zhe.

"I'll help you. Mom, Dad, you can go take a shower," said Meng Qing Qing, sitting down next to Bai Zhe to unpack.