The wrap party Part II

"The food looks delicious. Mo Li, teach me how to cook when you are free," said Meng Qing Qing while she was walking downstairs.

"Sure, Miss Qing Qing. I'll teach you. But I don't know what Mr. Zhe likes to eat." Mo Li was delighted that she could do something good for her Young Master.

"It's not like that. I want to learn so I can cook for myself, not for him." Meng Qing Qing was blushing. She denied it quickly.

"Right. She's preparing to cook for little Bai," said Bai Zhe.

"Hahaha, I haven't seen you try to make little Bai. You are not capable of that, are you?" teased Bai Qing Yun.

"I'm not ready. Moreover, the problem is Qing Qing's mother," said Bai Zhe.

"Hm? Qing Qing's mother has a problem with this?" asked Bai Qing Yun.

"Yes. Because I'm a rookie in the business, my relationship with Qing Qing cannot go public. I'm also young. (Are you serious?) It would not be good for me and Qing Qing if someone knew about this," explained Bai Zhe.