First time at the basketball club 1

"Yu Yang? I don't know much. It seems like they have been dating for a while now. I do not usually stay and act as the third wheel," said Bai Zhe. (Horsefeathers.)

"Can you help me from now on?" Meng Xue Baii put on a fake kind expression. However, Bai Zhe knew she was trying to make him help her investigate Yu Yang.

"What do you want me to help with? I will if I can." Bai Zhe swiftly gave her what she wanted.

"Please help me find out about that man named Yu Yang—what he does, where he works, where he lives. Can you do that?" Meng Xue Baii immediately bit into the bait Bai Zhe threw out.

"Sure, Auntie. But don't tell Qing Qing. She will surely be mad at me if she finds out about this," said Bai Zhe.

'I'll take you down at the next meal we have together,' thought Bai Zhe.

"Sure, I won't tell Qing Qing about this," Meng Xue Baii said. A smile was painted on her face.

"I must excuse myself to go see Mr. Dong Hai," said Bai Zhe.