Special Chapter: Bai Mo Li's first time at the cinema Part II

'You don't have to come this close. Did both of you forget that I'm a girl? And what's wrong with this heart? Why were you beating so fast? You see this every day,' Mo Li mentally ranted.

The three of them entered the mall and started to look for a cafe to work on their assignment. They chose the one that was not really expensive so they could continue to order drinks. It was because it would be rude if they ordered just one drink and sat there for hours.

"Three people," Tai Yang told the waitress.

"Sure. Please come in," the waitress said politely.

The three of them went to the table at the back of the cafe because it was the quietest. They ordered three drinks and one snack and then they started to talk about their assignment.

"Can I ask you something?" Mo Li made a fed-up face.

"What is it?" asked Tai Yang.

"Right," said De Tian.

"The seats on the other side of this table are still empty. Why do both of you have to sit next to me like this?" said Mo Li.