Celebrity in Disguise: Kitchen crew 4

"This is such an excellent meal. Owner, check please," said Jin Tao.

"Yes, sir. This way, please," said the owner of the restaurant, telling Jin Tao to leave the kitchen.

Then, the door closed, and Jin Tao left. Everyone in the kitchen hurriedly went to ask Bai Zhe a lot of questions. Even Jang Yi Bao asked questions nonstop.

"Everyone, quiet," said Jang Xiao Le, making silence return to the kitchen again.

Jang Xiao Le went over to Bai Zhe with a carving knife and one carrot. Bai Zhe immediately understood what Jang Xiao Le wanted him to do when he looked at the chef.

"I need to know how good you are. You can carve this carrot into whatever you want," said Jang Xiao Le.

"Yes, Chef." Bai Zhe took the knife and the carrot from Jang Xiao Le.

"Wow," everyone exclaimed right after Bai Zhe took the carving knife. Bai Zhe started to carve the carrot without drafting anything.