Si Long Ji's backup plan Part I

"This is what happens when a spell doesn't have the energy to drive it. The martial artists who are alive because of the spell disappear," said Bai Zhe.

"Yu Gong, what are you going to do with that old man?" Jang Ni Wang pointed at Si Long Ji.

"You have to crush your enemy totally," said Bai Zhe.

"Got it." Jang Ni Wang smiled, preparing to kill him. However...

"Hahaha, do you really think I don't have a backup plan?" Si Long Ji laughed before it seemed like something was moving inside his body. Qi characters appeared all over his skin and his face.

"He's turning himself into a beast." Bai Zhe frowned.

"Then, let's kill him now." Jang Ni Wang prepared to attack, but Bai Zhe stopped her.

Si Long Ji's body enlarged and extended. Not long after that, he turned into a blue-scaled dragon that was more than 40 metres long and had a body diameter of 2 metres.

"A tyrant qi beast." Bai Zhe sensed the great power from Si Long Ji who had turned into a dragon.