Celebrity in Disguise: Policeman 1 Part I

Bai Zhe was in the show's car to go to the police dormitory that was next to District A's police station. The downtown area, a shopping mall, office buildings, and the LSA headquarters were in this district as well.

The car dropped Bai Zhe off at a bus stop and told Bai Zhe to ride a bus for 2 more stops so the policemen who came out to have dinner in the evening would not see the show's car.

This time, Bai Zhe used the name Jang Yi and he’d gotten a job as a policeman by taking the examination. His title was Jing Zhi or Police Constable. It was the lowest rank. He chose to use his master's face, which was the face of the Greatest Fist Yia Qing Han. It was a fierce face, but handsome, so it could scare the people who wanted to prank him since the first day of work.

This time, it was quite difficult because they had to send a request to the National Police Officer to help create facial information to use for the shooting.