"Get closer" Su-hyeok told my brother who moved the phone a few inches more closer to the zombie girl's face. I stood there dumbfounded at how stupid they could be, like seriously how could the phone's screen detector detect the girl's bloody torn up face.
"For Emergency calls we don't need to unlock the phone" I said fed up of their stupidity. On-jo agreed with me and said "Just call 112".
"Your telling me this now !?" he said angrily for being embarrassed in front of his crush.
"Well, I didn't know anyone could be this stupid " I shot back.
After glaring at me for a while he finally called the emergency number. After they talked and cut the call, none of us thought that they believed us. So, On-jo called the police station and told them that there was a fire in our school.
As, Nam-ra moved closer to me, I wrapped one of my arms around her. I knew that no matter how much she hid her face with a blank impression, underneath all that she was just a girl who was scared like any other person was in such a terrifying situation. And since she had opened up to me I will protect her no matter what.
As, time went on second turned into, minutes turned into hours we all remained silent listening to the terrifying screams outside, when, Na-yeon broke the silence.
"Hey, vice-president do something" Na-yeon ignorantly says as if Nam-ra would snap her fingers and we'll all be safe. Frankly, I think that she was just trying to start a fight.
"Do what exactly" Su-hyeok asked knowing Na-yeon just wanted to start a fight.
"I don't know, anything " Na-yeon said.
Nam-ra stood up "So, what do you want me to do go to the teacher's office?"
"If your offering, yes " Na-yeon replied.
Basically she was telling Nam-ra to surrender herself to the zombies, which made me furious. "I have a better idea, why don't I throw you out of the classroom" I told her coldly.