Unexpected Explosion!

He searched the room for any backpack he could find or at least a laptop bag, but he was unable to find any. "Will just have to manage that one." Ryver uttered as he exited the room.

The 49th floor descend to silence and only Ryver's boots stepping on broken glass shards as well as thee howling wind from the broken glass could be heard. He reached the elevator, and repeatedly tapped on the call button.

It was unknown if the other residents on this floor were sleeping in their rooms or dead since no one came to check this floor even after the nuclear explosion.

If he could find at least one person, he would be able to test his theory; If Half- Mutated Licker are formed from those who had their throats sliced or hold deep grudges. He could create as many half-mutated locker as he wanted, maybe he could even get their Nuclei and trigger the 10,000x Reward!

As Ryver waited excitedly, he heard a soft buzzing sound that was gradually getting louder and louder. He frowned, walking towards the edge of the hallway, he looked through the glass walls.

With his sharpened eyes, his sight is now two times sharper than before, but that was enough. He blinked his eyes in a specific pattern and spoke.

"2x zoom."

His eyes hummed slightly and his pupils enlarged as his smart lens made everything 2x closer. Ryver saw a shocking scene that finally made his expressionless face falter.

He immediately started backing up and his eyes sight went back to normal. Without warning, he took off as though he was being chased by a deadly beast. Except that he wasn't being chased by a ghost. No, a large plane descended towards the skyscraper like a freaking vulture!


The wings of the plane immediately crashed right at the edge of the skyscraper, moving forwards as it rammed into where Ryver had been standing previously, clearing the entire floor like a massive broom.

Ryver kept running and as he gazed backward from the corners of his eyes, seeing a long metal shrapnel flung towards his back. Ryver immediately stomped his foot and rolled forwards, evading being sliced from the waist.

Ignoring a small part of his hair falling off his face, he got up from his roll and resumed running towards the other edge of the hallway. There, a flight of stairs was located.

As though reaching its limit, the wing finally snapped off from the plane, letting the plane fall away from the skyscraper.

The wing engine of the plane crashed into various objects, walls, ceramics and rooms.

Grinding them to pieces with its sharp blades but it seemed to have collided into something very strong, the rolling blade immediately stopped.

But the engine was still moving from the kinetic force and the wings was still clearing the entire 49th floor..

The engine suddenly started to overheat, blazing red with flames over it. Not bothering to dodging another marble piercing his way, Ryver had a change of expression.

From the corner of his eyes, he saw the engine overheating. Something which was only at least twenty meters away from him and was still closing in.

There was no time to think. Ryver tucked his combat blade in his pants, jumped forwards and immediately flipped in mid-air, tucking his head into his arms and his legs as he curled up into a perfectly shaped ball with his back against the engine.

He looked like a big perfectly shaped ball in midair, except that he wasn't a ball, but human.

Time seem to pause and then an explosion.


The engine instantly exploded, blasting the entire twenty -meter radius into smithereens, sending rocks and shards piercing in all directions like bullets. Ryver's body was forcefully blasted forwards with increased intensity, his back uncontrollably slammed into a segment of the glass walls which exploded to pieces by his kinetic energy and the blast. He was blasted off the entire skyscraper.

There was no doubt that if he fell from this height, he would definitely die no matter how strong his vitality is!

In the air, Ryver suddenly outstretched his arm from his curled up form and grabbed at the metallic edge/hinges of the glass, effectively hooking himself backing into the building.

Fire exploded outwards as oxygen guided the blast outside, extinguishing the flames. His body swung in the air like kite as fiery heat an blazing fire collided into him.

He was like a canoe in a tsunami, trying desperately to hold on.

When the force from the blast faded, his body fell back down from the air and as he swung sideways, a blade from the engine slashed dangerously past his back into the city below, he had narrowly avoided being pierced through by the torso.

His body was still in the air and with hand hooked upon the ledge, his body swung horizontally sideways, slamming against the body of the outwards glass walls below.

Wind, fire and smoke wheezed past him as he was dangling on the 49th floor above the ground.

Ryver's hands were dripping blood, the metallic handle he had grabbed had remnants of broken glass within, but he dared not let go. If he had not grabbed at the ledge at the perfect moment, he might have been blasted off the skyscraper.

Ryver clenched his teeth tightly from the pain and remained hanging there, blood dripping from his palm to his elbow and his shirt. One might have been scared shitless as the wind blew, flapping against his hair and howling against his ears, but Ryver was only concerned with the pain.

A while after, the fire completely subsided, Ryver gasped through his improvised mask as he heaved himself up over the ledge with difficulty. He rolled over with his back to the ground without minding the glass shards on the ground. Panting heavily as he did so.

His palms had been punctured by the glass shards, but Ryver remained lying there. That had been a close call.

There were many times when he would have died a thousand times over in that situation but it seems Ryver was incredibly lucky, or maybe he calculated the exact scenario for his survival.

His ear rang with bells as he bled from them. He had been incredibly close to the explosion.

He managed to sit up after a while, carefully picking out the three big pieces of glass that were stuck in his palm. And then dug into his palms to pick the tiny pieces. After which, he tore a section of his pants and wrapped it on his injured right palm effectively stopping the bleeding. The wound on his left was only a flesh wound while the one on his right was deeply injured with his bone affected.

Now, no one would have expected a plane to divert towards this direction and even almost collide head-on with the building.

Ryver gazed upwards with a darkened expression. The lighting flickered and suddenly went off as a massive blast echoed from afar, making the building tilt even more slightly. The plane must have collided with the backup generator of the building. It was the only thing that would have caused the explosion and the shortage of power.

"The elevator should be useless by now."

Ryver muttered, picking himself up. He groaned slightly in pain. He walked back into the wreckage. Pulling out a massive iron that must have been from the engine skin out of the way, Ryver stood before the stairs.

He wasn't fast enough to reach the stairs otherwise he might have escaped with no injuries at all.

He walked through the stairs, towards the 48th floor of the building, and then he paused as he saw a Fire Kit Case.


He broke through the protective casing of the fire case with his elbow and grabbed the handle red-headed fire axe in his palm. He liked the feeling he was getting from it.

The handle wasn't too heavy but very sturdy while the axe itself although not as sharp as his knife but was heavy enough. Bashing through skulls wouldn't prove too difficult.

With the axe in hand, Ryver began walking downwards. The flight of stairs stairs were divided unit various segments and wasn't straight but was in an helix type of shape.

Since he couldn't see anyone on this part of the stairs, it's safe to assume that everyone would be panicking by now, rushing out as fast as they could.

He could faintly hear sounds, but his ears were still affected by the explosion, preventing him from accurately figuring out the true situation.