Skill book

Whoosh! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The heads of four zombies exploded to pieces as the sharp tensile tongue retracted back into his hands bringing along a slight recoil, making Ryver's hands jerk backwards.

The speed of the tongue was just too fast and while Ryver felt as though the tongue was another extension of his arm, the speed was too fast to control, but he could get used to it.

Ryver smiled softly and a few ideas popped into his head. This ability wasn't as useless as it seem and with the right use, it might even be considered a godly ability. But what flummoxed him was how a tongue was made to grow from within his palm. The radiation could be one of the reasons, but the mutation caused by radiation could hardly be controlled but this mutation was carefully controlled to the extent that he wouldn't even feel the tongue's existence unless he wanted to use it. But the price for the comfort could be the 0.1 Evo points exhausted after each use.

If used properly, the 0.1 Evo points exhausted after each use could be worth it. The shadow shot out and grabbed at his axes on the ground, bringing them towards him.


More zombies continued to climb upon each other, but by that time, the energy within the nuclei was starting to operate within his body. He could feel his stamina recovering at a rapid pace. He slowly stood up, and suddenly flung his arm forwards.


A long shadow stretched out from his palm and stabbed into the heads of the five zombies that had managed to climb. As he pulled back, the five zombie heads exploded as the tongue retracted back into his palm with a snap, leaving bloodstains and brain fluid on his palm. He was starting to get the hang of it.

Behind him was a pile of debris pilled up against one another, it was this was a part of the garage that wasn't intact and had been affected by the nuclear strike.

Ryver outstretched his arm towards the collapsed part of the garage and the tongue wrapped against a slab of concrete that was three meters wide

Ryver grunted as he felt his strength been called upon. With a twist of his waist, the tongue stretched even more as the concrete was been dragged towards him, he pulled with all of his might, raising it up in the and like a hammer, he smashed it against the pile of zombies climbing towards this part of the garage with their strength.


Dust and debris rose up to the sky and with a rumble, the ground Ryver was standing on shook. Ryver quickly retreated as a spider web crack stretched towards his feet.


That part id the ground immediately collapsed! The pillar fixed in that particular spot wasn't able to help in the slightest! Hundreds of zombies that were under the garage floor were immediately crushed to pieces as the upper ground collapsed on them, pulverising them to bits upon the demolition.

Ryver had managed to retreat towards the inner part of the garage. The pillar on this part of the floor managed to hold, impeding it from destruction.

The 1st-degree creature lurking around the company was finally dealt with, which meant there wasn't any creature to be wart of in this part of the city. He was finally able to leave this place without fear.

And even if he encounters a creature of the 1st degree, if he was careful, he should be able to deal with such creature if such creature had been caught off guard. Something Ryver was quite good at.

The radiation within this part was getting even more intense and a warning signal flashed within Ryver's line of sight. The radiation was already dense enough to start affecting his skin, dense fog hollered with the atmosphere as the radiation mixed perfectly with the oxygen in the atmosphere. But since he was more than ten times stronger, faster and healthier than a normal human, he could ensure this much radiation for quite some time before his body start to fail, but Ryver wouldn't risk it. With the dense fog of toxic radiation, one could barely see three meters ahead which meant the undead's vision was also being hindered the same, but it was different for Ryver.

With the massive increase in his strength, vitality and speed, his senses had also drastically increased! His hearing, his sight, and his sense of smell and taste were more than five times what they used to be. While others had been hindered 5 meters of sight, Ryver could see at least 30 enters ahead even with the dense fog and with the ability he had learnt to read every situation and foresee what might, the ability had increased drastically with his increase in his five sense.

His body was gaining even more energy as time went by and a quarter of his stamina had been restored. Ryver didn't head back to the company to meet with Jacob. He needed to see his daughter soon and made sure he was there for her during this chaotic period. He couldn't imagine what his ex-wife was whispering to her.

Running up to the edge of the garage floor which hadn't collapsed yet, Ryver stomped heavily to the ground with a bang and the ground shook as he leapt ten meters into the air, over the hundreds of zombies that were starting to disperse.

With a weird roar, they were attracted by the sound of his leap and they immediately started walking toward his previous position.

As he was in the air, he stretched out his palm forwards and a shadow shot out from his palm, latching upon a nearby street lamp. Immediately, Ryver was pulled with a sudden yank towards the tall street lamp.


The sounds of metal and flesh colliding sounded as Ryver's body collided lightly with the iron street lamp. Holding onto the ledge, he swung his body and climbed onto the street lamp, gazing downwards at the city cautiously.