Chapter 1 - The Unexpected Assignment

In the cold, monotonously gray Berlin of 1940, Lieutenant Erik Weinhart, a seasoned German agent, sat quietly in his small office cluttered with maps and surveillance files. He was handpicked by the SS for his exceptional ability to adhere to shadows, a skill that had turned many tides of clandestine wars. A knock – measured, authoritative – echoed on his door. The new assignment had arrived, quite sooner than expected.

Weinhart stood up and straightened his uniform, his face betraying nothing of the excitement he felt.

The door opened and revealed his superior, a tall and stout officer of the Waffen-SS.

"Ah, Weinhart, we've got a big one for you."

The SS officer, Captain Helmut Schulz, closed the door behind him, looking pleased.

He carried a file that, when placed on the desk, revealed itself to be quite thick.

"There's an agent we've been after for some time now. You must have heard of the name: Corporal James Black. He's been causing a lot of problems, and we need him caught before the end of the year."

Weinhart took the file, nodding. "Yes, sir, I know of him. One of the top British agents in Germany."

"He's been working with the Abwehr, and they've lost him. The Gestapo wants to take him alive. They'll be waiting for you and your men at the rendezvous point."

Schulz tapped the folder. "He's been operating in the Munich area. The Gestapo have set up a trap, but he's proving elusive. Your job is to make sure he walks into the trap, and that he gets caught. Is that understood?"

"Yes, sir."

Weinhart opened the file and read through it.

There were pages upon pages of reports on Black, all written in the tight, precise style of the Gestapo.

They outlined a man of medium height, with short-cut dark brunette hair and brown eyes. He was an athletic man who enjoyed the outdoors, and was quite well known in England for his skills in skiing. "What's his mission in Germany?"

"To assassinate members of the Reichsrat and to help orchestrate terrorist attacks throughout Germany. We believe he's still involved in some way with the British secret service, so he might have more than one mission."

Schulz smiled and put a hand on Weinharts shoulder. "Now, Weinhart, go get him, and do it before Christmas."

Then an SS officer Kurt Menzies barge in and said "Herr Commandant, James Black has retreated to Britain"

Schulz looked annoyed. "Damn! Then why do we need to catch him, he's no longer here"

Kurt answered "Herr Commandant, because he had classified information about the Reich"

"Weinhart go to Britain and chase him" Schulz said in a angrily mannered

Weinhart replied with "I have not been in England for 5 years, but I am sure I will get him"

"Go and catch him!" Schulz demanded and left the room.

The next day Weinhart traveled to a secret airbase located in East Germany and boarded a Fieseler Storch.

They were soon off the ground and on their way to the nearest base in France.

As he watched the German countryside disappear, Weinhart was already thinking about his next move.

In his hands was Black's file.

He had read it several times already, but was always eager to get his mind back to the man behind the paper.

It wasn't long before the Storch landed at an abandoned French airbase, and Weinhart was quickly transferred to a Messerschmitt Bf 109.

They took off, and he was soon over the English Channel.

His mind drifted as he watched the cold waves beneath him, his thoughts turning to the man he would be chasing.

He had to admit, Black had made the Gestapo work for it, and they didn't like losing.

The fact that Black had been working with the Abwehr did not help matters, and it was this reason why the SS were involved.

When they finally reached their destination, Weinhart was already formulating a plan in his head