Chapter 4 - The Lion’s Claws Unseen

Erik didn't know of James Black by face or name. An ambitious Brit with an uncanny intuition who had risen to the rank of corporal, Black began connecting the invisible dots that Erik had inadvertently left. He picked up on the trail, feeling a predator looming over Great Britain, yet his superiors dismissed his hunches

James Black wakes up in a hospital and was greeted by his friend, Sergeant Renard

"Are you alright Corporal" said Sergeant Renard

"Yes Sergeant I'm alright"

"How's the investigation going" asked Sergeant Renard

"It's not going well Sergeant, I think there's a traitor among us" said Corporal Black

"A traitor? Who?" said Sergeant Renard

"I don't know yet, but I will find out" said Corporal Black

"Alright Corporal, good luck" said Sergeant Renard and then Sergeant Renard left

After Sergeant Renard left, Corporal Black began investigating.

He searched through his colleagues' files and records, but he could not find anything suspicious.

He then started questioning his colleagues, but they all denied having any knowledge of a traitor.

Corporal Black was beginning to think that he was wasting his time, but then he remembered something.

He remembered a conversation he had overheard between two of his colleagues.

He had heard one of them say, "I hope this works, I can't stand working with a traitor."

Corporal Black had thought nothing of it at the time, but now it made sense.

One of his colleagues was the traitor.

With renewed determination, Corporal Black began searching again.


Erik Weinhart wakes up in an familiar celling, he was in a hospital and when he look around he saw a doctor

"Good morning Mr. Weinhart how are you feeling" said the doctor

"I'm alright Doctor, how long was I asleep" asked Erik

"For 2 days" said the doctor

Erik got out of the bed and look around the room, and saw his Cloths was already cleaned.

"Thank you Doctor, where are my belongings"

"They're here, your bag and your documents"

Erik took the bag and open it and check the contents, the documents were safe.

"Thank you Doctor, may I leave now" asked Erik

"Yes you can leave now"

Erik got dressed and went outside, the sky was bright and the air was crisp.

Erik was glad to be alive, but he knew he had a mission to complete.

As he walked down the street, he noticed something strange.

The people were all smiling and laughing, but there was a tension in the air.

He could feel it, something was not right.

Erik quicken his pace and continued walking, trying to blend in with the crowd.

Suddenly, he heard a sound.

It was a low, rumbling noise, like a giant was approaching.

Erik turned and saw a group of soldiers marching down the street, their guns at the ready.

The people on the street moved out of their way, some of them looking scared.

Erik stood his ground, his gaze fixed on the soldiers.

They were carrying the spy they planted in MI6, Agent 11.

Agent 11 was a young man, a former British spy who was recruited by the Germans.

His mission was to infiltrate MI6 and gather information.

Agent 11 saw Erik and mouthed the words "Prince Theatre Venue, August 6 meeting"

Agent 11 was quickly dragged into a waiting car, and drove off.

Erik knew he had to act fast, he had to warn the Abwehr.

He quickly wave for a taxi and asked to get dropped off in a remote village place, where the headquarters of German agents are.

As the taxi drove off, Erik looked around and saw the village was quite small.

The main road was lined with shops and restaurants, and the houses were simple but cozy.

Erik quickly walk towards the building that had the sign Abwehr on it, as he enter the building he was greeted by a soldier and was led to a room.

"Welcome Erik, good work" said Major Schulz

"Thank you sir, Agent 11 was captured and he gave a message" said Erik

"What's the message"

"Prince Theatre Venue, August 6 meeting"

"That's good work, Erik, very good"

"Thank you sir, I also have the classified information in this suitcase"

Major Schulz took the suitcase and open it, and smiled.

"Very good, Erik, very good.

I'll have this information sent to the Fuhrer himself."

Erik could feel the pride welling up inside him, and he could not help but smile.

"You have been a great asset to our cause, Erik. I am sure you will be rewarded for your service."

"Thank you, sir. I am honored to be a part of the Abwehr."

"Lieutenant Erik Weinhart the high command has told me that you'll be returning back to Berlin" said Major Schulz

"I understand Major, thank you" said Erik and then Erik left.

Erik walk down the street, a sense of satisfaction washing over him.

He had done his job, and he had done it well.

He had delivered the information, and he had delivered it on time.

Now, it was time to go home.

A car was waiting for Erik at the village, it was a Volkswagen Type 82 Kübelwagen.

"I'm glad to see you safe and sound Lieutenant" said the driver

"Thank you, Private, I'm glad to be back"

The driver started the car and drive away, leaving the village behind.

The drive was quiet, with Erik's thoughts occupied by the events of the past few days.

The car stopped and the driver said "We're here"

"Thank you Private, you're dismissed"

"Thank you Lieutenant, have a good day"

The driver saluted and drive off.

Erik walk towards the office and he was greeted by an officer.

"Welcome back Lieutenant, good job"

"Thank you, sir"

As Erik boarded the messerschmitt bf 109 heading to a France abandoned airbase, he thought to himself, "Mission Accomplished"

"Welcome aboard, Lieutenant" said lufwaffe captain kurt hein

"Thank you, Herr commandant"

"What's the destination"

"France, Airbase S-A-B"


The plane's engine roared to life, and they were off.

The flight was smooth, and the weather was perfect.

Erik relaxed in his seat, the events of the past few days finally catching up to him.

He felt a sense of accomplishment, and he couldn't wait to get back to Berlin.

As the plane landed, he was greeted by an officer.

As Erik boarded another plane headed to Germany, Berlin. He couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement.

It was the start of a new chapter in his life, and he was ready for it.

As the plane took off, he looked out the window and saw the sun setting over the horizon.

It was a sight that would stay with him forever, and it was a moment he would never forget.

Erik landed in the Germany's secret airbase, he was greeted by his commanding officer.

"Welcome back, Lieutenant."

"Thank you, Herr Commandant."

Erik was escorted to his office, where he was met by SS-Brigadeführer und Generalmajor der Waffen-SS Berick.

"Lieutenant, good to have you back. You've been a great asset to the Abwehr."

"Thank you, sir."

"Come, sit down. We have much to discuss."

Erik sat down and began to brief Berick on the details of his mission.

As he finished his debriefing, Berick sat back and considered the information.

"Very good, Lieutenant. This information is valuable. The high command Will be pleased."

"Thank you, Herr Commandant."

"Now your mission is to create a network in England, a spy ring that will work under the nose of the British. We will be sending a man named Agent 22, and you will be his handler."

"Yes, Herr Commandant. I will do my best."

"That's all, Lieutenant. You are dismissed."

As Erik walked out of the office, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride.

He was part of something bigger than himself, and he knew that his country was counting on him.


"Corporal James Black, You're a distinguished Agent but do not let that get over you" said Colonel Luis

"I understand sir, but the German spy is gone"

"Yes, and we have no idea where he is or what he's up to. We have to find him."

"Sir, he's no longer in this country"

"Well, we have a lead. There was a sighting of a German soldier boarding a plane headed to Berlin."

"Berlin? But that's where the High Command is!"

"Precisely. They're planning something, and we have to find out what."

"What about Agent 11? Have you heard from him?"

"Unfortunately, no. We have to assume that he's been compromised."

"We have to find him, and we have to stop the German spy."

"We'll do everything we can, Corporal. But we need your help."

"Anything, sir."

"Start gathering information. Gather any intel you can find. Any information is useful. Anything that can help us track down the German spy."

"Understood, sir. I won't let you down."

"Good luck, Corporal. You're a good man, and I know you'll do your country proud."

"And sir what about the thing I said?"

"Corporal Black there is no way for him to set up a Spy network, in the lands of England we have the most sophisticated security systems"

"But sir, the spy was able to escape"

"Yes, but it was a fluke. The odds of him being able to pull it off again are astronomical."

"But still sir, we have to be cautious. We can't let our guard down."

"I said leave it be Corporal" Colonel Luis said in annoyed tone "Dismissed."

After James was dismissed, he headed back to his room.

As he laid in his bed, he couldn't help but worry.

"I have a bad feeling about this," he thought to himself.

He couldn't shake the feeling that the German spy was up to something, and that the threat was greater than they realized.

"We'll find him," he thought, "and we'll stop him. We have to."

The next morning, James awoke to a bright and sunny day.

The birds were chirping, and the air was crisp and cool.

James got dressed and headed to the mess hall for breakfast.

As he was walking, he saw a familiar face.

"Good morning, Sergeant."

"Good morning, Corporal. How are you doing today?"

"I'm doing fine, Sergeant. And how are you?"

"I'm doing well, Corporal. Ready for another day of training."

"I am too, Sergeant. I'll see you in the training field."

"See you there, Corporal."

James grabbed a tray and loaded up on food.

He then sat down at a table and began to eat.

As he was eating, he couldn't help but notice that the mess hall was unusually quiet.

He looked around and saw that the other soldiers were also quiet.

"What's going on?" he thought to himself.

He continued eating, trying to ignore the uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach.

"Excuse me, Sergeant."

"Yes, Corporal?"

"Do you know why the mess hall is so quiet today?"

"I don't know, Corporal. I've been wondering the same thing."

"Well, let's hope it's not something bad."

"Let's hope not, Corporal."

The rest of the day went by without incident, but the strange feeling never left.

That night, James lay in bed unable to sleep.

He couldn't stop thinking about the German spy.

"What is he planning?" he thought to himself.

"What is he up to?"