A Big Pet Guard

When the conscious Rose Giant saw Seraphyne leaving, she desperately tried to catch up with her, and the ground trembled beneath her as her massive roots hurriedly moved. Her voice carried a sense of urgency, echoing through the air as she pleaded for Seraphyne to wait.

"Hey, hybrid!"

"Wait for me!"

"I'm not trying to fight you to death, and I will agree to make a deal with you."

"Let's talk about it!"

"Don't go, beautiful hybrid!" The Rose Giant slowly blocked Seraphyne's way, and her vines changed color. They were swaying to attract Seraphyne. The giant's words were filled with desperation and yearning, assuring Seraphyne that she had no intention of engaging in a deadly battle.

"Babit, I never thought a mutated plant could talk and shout really loud! But I wonder, where did its voice come from? You see, plants don't possess a voice box."

"Mistress, nothing is impossible in this magical world."