The elders looked at themselves as they struggled to find a bold enough man to answer the Alpha's question.
But yet a very obvious it was,
"you-, my Lord" One of the elders spoke but one could still feel the fear from his voice.
"Then, please have your seat and not complain" She spoke to the elder who had stood before.
Another man stood,
"The celebration preparations,we are sure your highness has everything under control?"
The Alpha was quiet for a while before giving out a smile. It made the elders shake in confusion but only one man smirked...Zayn.
"Is that why you caused a banter as early as this morning?" She asked making their faces pale Abit.
"If that was the reason for your stupidity, you should've waited Abit or at least lowered ur voices. My bath this morning was filled with alot of noise.
Zayn smirked softly as he starred at the elders faces, he knew very well the kind of questions that ran through their minds.
'Did she really hear our murmurs?'
'How did she hear them?'
'Is it part of her gifts as a female Alpha?'
'Is she that powerful'
It only took alot of self bearing for Zayn not to chuckle at their stupidity.
"Why don't we all wait for the week to welcome us. Stop rushing into the week Elders." She said and stood, they stood too.
"That'll be all." She turned to leave but then stopped in her tracks... Something caught her attention. An empty seat.
"Where's Stephon?"
The while Elders remained mute making her snicker softly and then smile.
"I guess no one wants to talk anymore."She sighed at the weak minded elders and turned to look at Zayn.
"You should've smiled enough while speaking"
"I did" Zayn defended.
"Smile better then."
Zayn bowed at her words as she smiled giving the elders one last look before walking away with Zayn following.
Heavy breaths left the elders lips as they settled back in their seats trying to catch their breaths.
"She's horrible" One elder said.
"Ssshh!!" The other elders echoed.
A wining smile still danced on the Alpha's face as she walked through the hall out to the court yards.
"How much did you overhear?" Zayn asked when they both stood and watched the maids and guards busy with their duties.
"Enough to make my morning wonderful." She replied.
Zayn smiled and nodded but then remembering the words of the last elder that spoke, his face crumpled.
"Your highness," He called softly making her to turn and face him, she frowned slightly.
"You know it irritates me when you call me that, Zayn. What's wrong?" She asked with crossed arms.
"About the celebration preparations.... " He paused and continued. "Are you sure you can handle it all?"
The Alpha was quiet, her eyes narrowing around her before landing on Zayn's black orbs.
"Zayn, Do you trust me?"
Zayn was taken aback by her question. He Starred at her softly before replying,
"Would I be your man if I didn't?"
It wasn't a straight answer but it made sense to her. She smiled.
"Then close your eyes and wait till the coronation night. All will be well, I promise."
Zayn nodded after giving her a short glance. He believed in her and that was all that mattered.
She was a woman Alpha but he had seen Many things she'd done no Alpha could try. She had guts.
The Alpha turned back and watched the busy ones...
"Besides, what could go wrong?"
... ... ... ...
Her shirt was loosened and tossed to the cold ground, her pants pulled down her slender longs legs. She stepped into the tub filled with water and rose scent.
It felt-
"Nice" She whispered with closed eyes as she relaxed by learning on the edge of the tub.
She had finished training with Zayn and the others, right now was her alone time. Besides, it was late ... 6:08pm.
Her thoughts dwindled until the only thing in her head was her own screams.
' Dad!!
No!! '
Her eyes flew up and in that instant her claws came out. Her ears moved slightly and her door opened welcoming a familiar scent that made her claws retreat.She let out a sigh as her hands found their way to her face. She was trying to control her breathing.
"Oh..!!" The familiar voice sang softly.
"Look at who's bathing with roses...."
The Alpha removed her hands from her face and fake smiled at the owner of the voice and only one who would enter her room without knocking.
"You forgot to knock again, Alex"
"Oh yeah" Alex said in realization before laughing softly, she bent close to her tub.
"Man! Your heart is still racing. You need to control it already"
The Alpha released another sigh. "I try to."
"Try harder girl." Alex teased.
"Why are you here? You didn't inform me that you were on your way"
"Tch." Alex rolled her eyes. "You! didn't inform me about the coronation of Lord Fredrick's Son. You know how I fancy Celebrations like this"
The Alpha scoffed.
"You only fancy the handsome werewolves, Alexandra."
Alex laughed and shook her head, "At least I fancy males. But I know someone who doesn't fancy even humans."
The Alpha remained mute..An thought crawling into her mind...
"You know, it's true." She nodded and Alex arched a brow.
"Which is?"
"I don't fancy males and guess what? People are now assuming that you and I are together." She said and Alex's eyes widened in disbelief.
"No way." She smiled cheesily.
"Yes way." The Alpha smiled back.
"Well we shouldn't blame them since it's true." Alex said as she leaned near to the Alpha's lips..... They both smiled before Alex pecked the side of the Alpha's lips.....