Everything And Nothing Could Be Remembered.

Her eyes ran across the cabin where she had laid. It was only her best friend with her.

She was glad.

"Breathe, Alex. Breathe." Ciara cooed as she rubbed her best friend's back, soothing her. For Ciara, she knew whatever had made Alex panic like that wasn't a joke, she knew Alex better than anyone.

This was pretty serious.

"What happened? Are you okay?" She asked as Alex pulled herself away from Ciara hold and started at her reflection on the mirror opposite them.

Alex remained silent as she forced her heartbeat to calm and relax. Looking at her reflection she knew, that wasn't just a dream. Something was behind it and she wanted to know what exactly.

"Alex?" Ciara called again.

This time, Alex turned to her, slowly appreciating her best friends presence.

"Hey, girl." Ciara whispered as she caressed Alex cheeks softly. "It's alright now. Are you okay?"

Alex breathed out slowly, as she replied.


"I think you got sea sick too. Leonardo hasn't been seen since we started sailing, come here." 

Ciara made Alex text her head on her laps.

"Sleep some more. I know you are the one who fixed my schedules for this trip, thank you." She softly said as he patted Alex's hair lazily.

"It was a nightmare." Ciara said again after a while.

"I don't- I'm not sure." Alex replied hesitatingly.

Ciara nodded and thought silently before speaking again,

"Maybe you're finally remembering what happened thirteen years ago."

"Thirteen years ago." Alex paused to calculate.

"I was fifteen then." 

Ciara nodded.

Then no.

She wasn't fifteen in the dream she had. She looked, exactly the way she was now.

It bothered her.

Yes, an incident happened when she was fifteen, she had no recollection of it and what exactly happened.

But now was different.

She didn't normally dream.

And in this one-

Someone had died.

She had been bowed to and referred to as a noble.

She knew that she had never envied her best friend so why would she dream about being a noble?

The envelope.

The person who sent it.

Was that the future?

She didn't have any family members, so who was it that died?

Was it-

No. Not Ciara.

Ciara was the only one she had left.


Alex snapped out and turned slightly to look at her friend.

She had known Ciara for years.

Ciara was the only person she could call family, she couldn't loose her too.

Tears…it filled her eyes.

"I think we have arrived." Ciara was still saying before looking at the red haired on her laps with tears in her eyes.

"Alex..?" Ciara called again, "Are you sure you're okay?"

Alex sighed and sat up, facing her friend.

"What happened?"

"Promise me something." She said immediately.

"Okay…what?" Ciara asked worriedly with the hint of confusion in her eyes.

Alex opened her mouth to speak when the suddenly had a rush of images as flashes..

The maids-

The guards-

They were all in the old uniform for the Cold Moon Pack, meaning..it wasn't the future.

It wasn't the future!

Her eyes narrowed.

The- The past.

"Alex?!" Ciara's voice rose in octave, 

Alex looked at her. "If it get too hard to handle…you run."

Ciara stared at her..confusion sipping in with great effort.

"I don't understand, Alex. Tell me what's wrong."

"Promise me, Ciara."

Alex was panicked.

She didn't understand anything anymore and it made her strange.

Ciara could feel the panic run through Alex's body.

"Alright." She whispered. "I promise."

Alex nodded at her friend and hugged her.

If that was the past….

There was a lot to find to understand.

It felt similar to the way she dreamt about Roshan as Zekeiel.

And…. The image of a man with seductive coconut scent.

It was either she was right or she was slowly and clearly loosing her mind.

.... .... ...…

 They got down from the ship an hour ago. Getting on their horses and heading into the towns that quietly reside at this side of the boarder.

"There's a small town before the human main city. We should rest there." Leonardo suggested.

"I thought you've rested enough, you weren't seen throughout the sail." Ciara stated the obvious.

Leonardo chuckled nervously.

"I did mention I get seasick. And I'm sure I'm not the only one tired."

"We've been riding for almost an hour since we sailed here. We should probably stop and have a little rest at Fowltin village. Besides after that village is civilization, we get to use cars, finally!"

"Have you been here though?" Zayn asked as his horse stopped beside Ciara's.

"What?" Leonardo asked.

"You seem to know how long it will take before we get there. And you talk of the town as if you've been there well enough."

Leonardo faked a laugh and soft sigh.

"I studied maps." He said.

"Maps..?" Ciara indulged herself in the conversation.

"Yes, maps."

"Strange. You didn't know where exactly we were going. You didn't even know we would stop at this shore..neither do you know that we aren't reaching the main human city."

"Oh. Is this our last stop?" His eyes widened before he laughed again. "I am surprised about the last one, but I might've heard the ship captain talk about it."

Roshan held the reins of his horse and strolled close to them.

"He's right. The town is quiet enough for a night or two."

Ciara and Zayn shared glances.

"What about Murnsile village?" She asked.

Leonardo frowned.

"It's far. Fowltin is just around the Conner."

"Let's go then," Zayn said as his eyes trailed behind to the Second Lady, she was still strolling on her horse towards them.

Slower than usual, he noticed.

"Alex, are you alright?" He asked when she finally reached them.

She faded a small smile, "Just tired."

Leonardo spoke again on her reply.

"Ahh. Another soul who shares my sentiment." He smiled, giving Zayn a dirty look. "Off we go then." He said and rode out, the others slowly following suit.

The town was small and lively. The people chattering and mingling, minding their business as well. There seemed to be something going on, they noticed.

Apart from the quietness and liveliness, Teflon place was crowded and a lot of designs everywhere.

Designed flowers.

Designed shops.

Designed lanterns.

They were all done from their horses, holding it by the reins as they mixed with the celebrating crowd.

"Hey. Excuse me," Alex called a passerby. The environment making her sour mood to change back to her usual.

"May I know what the town is celebrating?"

"Oh. It's our yearly Goddess festival." The woman said excitedly. Turning to look at the people with her she smiled at Alex cheeringly.

"Were you invited?"

Alex smiled at the woman politely, "Not really."

"Well, I must encourage you to enjoy every single bit of it. You wouldn't regret coming here for your honeymoon."

Alex's face paled as she immediately looked at the idiot beside her, Roshan.

Of course she had to think that way.

"You know, group outings for newly married couples is now a trend."

Alex cleared her throat after hearing Ciara and Zayn whispering and laughing at her back.

Fuck them.

"Well, thank you ma'am. We will try to enjoy everything." 

The woman nodded and left.

"Well. That's what we have as an answer, a goddess." Alex turned to them.

"Didn't believe people still did that shit."

"Most parts of the the world still believe in that shit." Leonardo answered making them realize that he was still there with them.

Even the woman didn't seem to notice him.

"These kind of celebrations are worth it, trust me. Only that…it won't be easy getting out tonight."

"We should try to find someplace to stay in. I hate crowds."

Leonardo let out a smug smile.

"The motels are the same with the roads. The town is jampacked. It'll be quite hard to find exactly five rooms for us, especially since we're not acquainted with their goddess or them."

"They seem like nice people." Alex shrugged.

"Not nice enough to let into their homes with their families, strange people who don't acknowledge whatever woman they are celebrating."

"The should be the first smart thing you've said since this journey. But I guess you thought you've been more than smart, bringing us here and now we're stranded." Ciara muttered and everyone heard her.

Roshan looked at her and then back to where his eyes had secretly been throughout the journey, he remained quiet as he took glances of the red haired who looked more than lost. Her eyes were on a specific drawing that was decorated on a building not far from them.

She looked confused and then relaxed at the same time.

What was she thinking?

What does she think about?

Why didn't she steal glances at him?

He did it, more than often.

"I have an idea." Leo broke the abrupt silence, Zayn finally spared him a glance. It was hard ignoring the idiot all day because of his useless whims and stupid act of being all smart and all great, talk about arrogance of a goat.

"Shove it up somewhere more useful." Ciara spat, clearly annoyed.

Alex gave her a slight glare, then to Leonardo she smiled apologetically.

Leonardo sighed dramatically, "I didn't know Fowltin would be busy today."

"Please, Leonardo. Don't mind her and go ahead." Alex said and Roshan looked at her with an unknown expression.

Couldn't she feel his gaze on her?

Leonardo cleared his throat,

"There's an old motel near the entry of the market. I used to be friends the owners son. We get there and I'll ask us for rooms." He said with a charming smile.

"And you're sure this place is safe because..?" Zayn crossed his arms with a lazy stare of his face.

"Their family knows about werewolves and their history. They won't be stupid."

They all stared at each other, slowly each one of them trying to make a decision that all would make.


They all knew it was the same thing they had in mind.