Chapter Thirty

I was just using you, that's all…

She couldn't stop thinking about those words. Leonard was his son, and he was a cheater. Surely he didn't learn that from his father? Was Keanu cheating on her the entire time? Were there other women he was fucking while he pursued something sexual with her? She shook her head, willing the thoughts to leave her mind.

Walking into the school with a clear mind, she made a beeline towards her office and greeted her colleagues as she passed by. When she was at her cubicle, she sat down and looked through the papers which were on her desk. There was a lot of work for her to do, and she had to start right away if she wanted to leave work on time. But something told her she would have to stay back after work tonight to finish up like she often had to, so it was good that she had recently purchased a car for herself.

She leafed through the assignments one by one, a red marker in her hand. The students in her class this time happened to all have a very casual approach to schoolwork, and she was feeling that strongly as she read through essay after essay. It was evident to her that they had written the essays last minute and as she read more, she realised similarities between the papers. She was aware that students often cut corners on their assignments, but she had never encountered a class that took it to this level. She sighed as she tried to be as lenient as she could, and ended up giving most papers disappointing grades.


She turned around. It was her colleague, Katrina. "Yeah?"

"The Dean wants to see you in his office."

She nodded. "I'll be there in a sec." Then she turned back to the assignments. There was still a tall stack waiting to be graded.

"He wants to see you now, actually," Katrina said. "So sorry."

Alice glanced behind her. She put her pen down. "Sure, then." She got up from her seat and walked down the empty hallways. It was still first period, and the students were busy in their respective classrooms. She eventually reached his office and stopped before it, knocking on it a few times.

"Come in," she heard him say.

She opened the door and walked in. She came to a stop behind a chair and stared at Keanu. "You wanted to see me?"

"You should sit down."

"It's alright."

He inhaled sharply. Removing his glasses from his face, he set it down on the table. Then he crossed his hands and held them before his mouth. "Miss Alice, ever since you joined us as a professor, you've only shown yourself to be exemplary in every area of professional work. You're a treasured member of the school, and I want you to know we respect your contribution very much."

"Thank you, Dean," she said.

"I'm not sure how to approach this in a way that wouldn't surprise you since this is the first instance of this happening under your care. But I have to tell you that it has been reported that some of your students have been… rowdy."

She raised a brow. "What do you mean, rowdy?"

"As you know, the pool is open for public use to all students and faculty. Many use it, but it is typically empty during night time, since most of the school have already gone home. There were reports of some of your students enjoying their time at the pool, engaging in sexual activity."

Her jaw dropped. "Are you serious?"

"As they are your students, they are your responsibility. Since we have a long professional history between the two of us, I know you will take this matter seriously."

"Of course, Dean. You've been a pleasure to work with professionally as well," she said, smiling. "I'm so sorry this happened. Do you require me to do anything besides what I think I should do?"

"May I have the pleasure of hearing your opinions on what should be done about this serious matter?"

"Dean," Alice said. "I've been to the pool before and I believe there is a shortage of signs reminding the students that the area is under heavy surveillance. If signs were to be put up, it could prevent such a thing from occurring again."

"Fine idea you have there, professor," Keanu said. "I'll make sure it is done as you've recommended."

"You're welcome," she said. "Is there anything else I can do for you?"

"Yes, there is."

"What is it, Dean?"

"Professor, I'd love for you to keep a close eye on these two students. Tommy and Helena. Since they've done this before, there is a high chance that they might revisit the pool to continue doing what they were doing."

"Of course," she said. "I'll have a talk with them, and make it clear to them that their behaviour won't be tolerated under any terms. I'll remind them that suspension is the disciplinary action the school will take if they do not stop the untoward behaviour."

"Thank you very much, professor," Keanu said. He picked up his glasses in his hand and gestured it towards the door. "If you would, there is nothing else I have to discuss with you."

She smiled and stepped towards the door. "I'll see you around, Dean. And I hope not to discuss their suspension."


"Good bye, Dean," she said, closing the door behind her.

It was really over.