Chapter Thirty-Two

Alice raced down the corridor that led to the pantry. Her hair was in flight behind her and her heels clicked loudly on the flooring, even though it was carpet. When she rounded the corner, her eyes instantly fell on Keanu, who was also rounding the facing corner in a rush. They immediately slowed down at the sight of each other, Alice brushing the creases out of her skirt and Keanu fixing his tie. Strolling towards each other, they put on relaxed smiles as Keanu opened the door to the pantry for her to walk in. She nodded her head politely and stepped in before he did.

They were the only ones in the pantry. She opened a cabinet and removed some glasses. "Glass of water?" she asked Keanu.

"Sure, of course," he said.

She filled both cups with filtered water and passed one to Keanu, who took it from her. He leaned against the pantry, drinking from his cup as she stared at him, with one hand on the counter. She smiled, only to put on a poker face before her lips broke out into a smile again. Her eyes darted everywhere, and she fixed her hair.

" - That email - "

" - That email - "

They stopped themselves after they uttered those same words together, and Alice inhaled sharply as Keanu looked away.

"You first," Keanu said.

"Okay," she said. "I was just going to say that I didn't mean to send that email. I wasn't thinking, I'm sorry."

"It's alright."

"You were going to say?"

"I wanted to apologise for the way I replied to that email you accidentally sent. It was unprofessional."

"You must have had a reason for it," Alice said and Keanu glanced at her briefly, but their eye contact was quickly severed.

"I did," he said. "I do. There are some pressing matters I needed to discuss with you."

"What is it?" Alice said.

"Well, it's about the school pool again," Keanu said, walking to the fridge. He opened it and removed an ice tray. Then he returned to his original position and placed it on the counter. He pried some ice cubes from the tray and dropped it into his cup. "Some ice?"

"No, thank you."

"So, apparently some students heard about what Tommy and Helena did and they're picking up where they left off. There have been reports of more students having sex there."

"God," she said, shaking her head.

"The situation is more complex now that several couples have jumped on that bandwagon," he said. "And most of these couples happen to take your classes. I hear that they are daring each other to commit the act in the school pool."

"I'm so sorry," she said, reaching towards the ice tray. She picked it up and bent it backwards, trying to get an ice cube out.

"Don't apologise," he said. "They made those decisions themselves. I just wanted you to be in the loop so we can come to solutions together." He stared at her trying to twist the ice tray. "Do you need help with that?"

"I can't get it out," she said.

"Give it to me," he said and she passed it to him. He pried some ice cubes out and held them in his hand for her to take.

She picked the ice cubes from his hand to her cup one by one. "Thanks."

"You're welcome."

"Such hot weather, isn't it?" Then it struck her that it was winter. But those dumb words had already left her mouth.

"Do you want more ice cubes?"

"No, it's alright."

He shifted on his feet. "So, about the issue we just mentioned. I'd love it if you had a talk about it during one of your classes."

"Of course," she said. "I will."

"What are you going to say?"

"I think I won't be naming anyone, though I'm sure every student already knows Tommy and Helena started it. I'd state to everyone what has been happening and how they are against school rules and could ultimately result in expulsion. I'll also remind them that the pool has cameras and that they'd essentially be making a sex tape. And we all know that once those things get online, they can never be erased."

"Good choice," he said. Alice smiled at him and glanced to his side. "What?"

"I'm a bit hungry," she said. "I didn't eat lunch because I was busy marking some papers."

Keanu glanced at his side. "Do you want one?"

"Yes, please," she said.

He picked one apple up and threw it over to her. She barely caught it and they laughed after she put on an expression of panic.

"Geez, Dean," Alice said.

"I couldn't help it, I'm sorry."

She bit into the apple. "Hmm, this tastes real good."

"Then I'll have to try one myself," he said, picking up another apple to bite into it. "It is good."

"Right?" Alice said, picking up her glass. She looked down at it. The ice cubes swirled in her glass and she shook it a little so it would melt faster. Then she drank from it. She lifted her head to stare at Keanu, and saw him watching the ice cubes in her glass. He turned his attention to the apple in his hands, and rotated it.

What are you thinking, Keanu?

"Keanu - " she started.

He didn't say anything. She continued eating her apple, drinking her iced water while he did the exact same things. They looked at everywhere but directly at each other, though there were a few times where their eyes met. He shifted again on his feet and she tapped her fingers on the counter, her body tense.

"I want you too," Keanu said.