Chapter 23

Arak and prisana went to have lunch, but arthit lied to arak that he ordered lunch from outside and he was starving and his leg was not recovered yet.

After sometime later, Nam came and asked, Arthit that what, he wants to eat but arthit said, "He don't want to eat anything, he wants to be alone for sometime.

Arthit was confused about his feelings, he was upset about arak and prisana, were having lunch together, but at the same time, he don't want to admit that, he was feeling jealous..

Prisana and arak were having lunch in a big restaurant and the atmosphere was very quiet.

Prisana said, "Do you liked it..?, Arak was completely lost in his thought and prisana called arak again, but he didn't answered again, then, she poked him with her nail and then, he came to his senses, and said, "Ahh....", That hurts and she said, "What happened to you..?', Your so lost in your thoughts."

Arak replied, "I am just thinking about, Arthit he was acting weird, he didn't looked at for once."

Prisana said, "He is the one right, that you told me about,".    

"Yes..."Arak replied with the smiling face.

 Prisana said, "Ohooo...' Your smiling just taking his name", 'Tell me, how everything are going with you guys."

Arak said, "Nothing special, we are just friends", and after listening to that, she said, "What the hell is that.." And arak said, "Don't shout, I think, i am okay with that". 

Prisana said, "How can you be okay, with that; you have waited for this for so long and now finally his here and you just wants to be friends with him"

Arak said with a sad face, "I have waited for him for so long because of that, i don't want to ruin things between us.."

Prisana said, "Ooo.., You poor thing," You want my help with anything'

Arak said, "No need, you just have to keep your nose out of it, that will be a great help for me."

After a while later they completed there lunch and went back to the office.

Arthit left to home without saying to anyone and arak went to arthit's room and prisana followed him and someone suddenly closed the door.

It's evening tine and everyone left the office and Arak forgot to bring his phone with him, and prisana phones was already die.

Thung and nam left the office too.

Arthit was home and he was waiting fo arak to come home but it was already midnight arthit was still waiting for arak he sat on the soft and kept looking at his phone and the door and arak didn't come back and arthit slept on the sofa while he was waiting for arak..

It's morning arthit woke up on the sofa and immediately went to arak's room to check , if he was there but no one are in the room he went to the room with excitement, immediately his excitement became sad expression and he was worried that what happened to him that he didn't not came home back or something bad met happened to him and with worried look he went to the office.

He called nam and everyone just entered into the office and everyone followed arthit into his room and thung and nam were in the back and when arthit opened his cabin door............

Arak and prisana were sleeping on the sofa prisana placed her head on arak's shoulder and arak's suit coat was covering prisana's legs...

 Arthit was shocked to see it and he just dropped his phone which he was holding in his hand and everyone just started laughing and sound waked arak up...

 Arak slowly opened his eyes and saw whole company was standing infront of him and he pated prisana and she said, Arak, please let me sleep, i don't get any sleep yesterday night, and after hearing that everyone said, "Oo......" and arak stood up suddenly and prisana fell on the ground and without opening her eyes she said, "Arak you..." and prisana opened her eyes and saw that everyone are watching and she stood up and said, "What's time is now; you all came early and she just walked out of the room after saying it....

Arak just kept looking at arthit, so was arthit and arthit went out with angry face and arak followed him and arak was calling arthit but he was not listening to him and arthit just kept waling and arak stopped him and said, "Arthit wait listen to me, It's not like, what you saw, there is nothing between me and prisana." 

Arthit replied with a angry tone, "Why are you explain this to me, You don't need to explain anything to me, we are nothing but friend you don't have to say anything to me and i don't need to know that whom your going with...

 Arak was about to say that's not it, but Arthit didn't listen to him and just walked out...

Arthit was very angry and he called someone and said, "Meet me at our regular spot and immediately, he ended the call.

 Thung said, What did, i have done, And nam said, "Don't say like that it was my mistake, i didn't checked it properly ,before locking the door.

Arthit was feeling sad he was feeling very painful in his heart like it was bleeding and he don't know the reason for the pain and the sadness he was facing.

Arthit was angry and he don't know the reason for what he was angry. 

Coming back to Anong and rung, rung was completely avoiding anong and rung knows his feelings; that he started liking anong. 

Anong was desperately looking for him but he was no where to found. 

Arthit went to a hotel and knocked a room door and the other person opened the door and right after the door was opened, Arthit started kissing that person forcefully and that person was saying something but arthit was not listening to it all and after that arthit started stripping her clothes and that person said, "Stop it.., Arthit'' but he was not listening so, she forcefully pushed him and slapped him and after the slap arthit came to his senses.

And She said, "What's happened to you, Are you gone mad, I have never seen you like this before."

Arthit said, "I am sorry, I don't know what happened to me but, i don't like to see him with her."

And that person said, "See whom with who, Explain me everything". 

After listening to it she said, "So you like Arak," And arthit said, "No way there is no chance that i will like a man because i am not a gay".

 And she said while laughing, "You idoit, you can't control your feeling and love has no gender, You don't like him being with his ex, and because of that you just acted like beast, and you know that you have feeling for him but just don't want to admit it, Now just close your eyes and tell me what you see and arthit closed his eyes and he saw arthit picture and she asked, "Now open your eyes and tell me what you saw, and arthit replied, I saw arak smiling at me."

She said, "See you like him, So don't waste your time in thinking and tell him, how you truly feel about him".

After talking to her for while, Arthit went back to his office and arak was waiting for him in his room, and when Arthit saw arak in his room his heart started to beat very fast, and you like him the words which are said by that women whom arthit met, were keep ringing in his ears.....