Chapter 28

Arthit and Arak talking to each other.

Arak said, "Your becoming so daring, It's my style, I replied with a wink".

 Arak said, Why did you kissed, Infront of everyone and i replied, "Because, I miss you,", even though you can't kiss me, Infront of everyone arak said, While looking at me.", But you kissed me infront everyone in restaurant."

Arak was shocked and with a big, " Sigh.', He said, 'leave it, can't fight with you", but you will receive punishment for this..'

Arthit and Arak left the office early.

Thung and nam went out have dinner. 

IN Arak's house.

 Arthit slept while holding arak's hand and arak was working on his laptop."

In the bar

 Anong came with his friends, anong was sad, and his friend can't bear to see him like that so to make him happy they all brought him to the bar, But anong was not in the mood but he came for their sake."

 And his friends knows about rung so they are trying every possibility to make him happy and blue best friend of anong saw rung.

 And blue signed everyone to see on the rung's direction and everyone are shocked because, Iff anong saw rung definitely won't listen to them, so two of his friends sat infront of anong to cover the view of rung, but there efforts are went in vain.

 Because anong already saw rung and with a face of happiness anong went to rung's table.

 And the scene, he saw completely broke his heart into million pieces.

Rung sat on the a big sofa and hold a glass in one hand and the person beside him kissed rung and rung kissed him back..

Immediately anong eyes are filled with tears and with a sad and sarcastic smile, he said, "Pi'rung , You should have said, "That your, not interested in only me, I'm sorry for wasting your time, and sorry that, I revolved around you like a dog. 

Anong went near to rung and with smile he said, "Today, you not only broke my heart, but you just killed me and my feelings for you and the feelings, I have for love."

Rung was just standing there like a statue and after saying it anong went to his friends and he was crying so much that no one can control.

 Anong said, To his friend blue that, He don't want to go home..'

Blue called anong's home said, "Anong was drunk so, he will stay in his room", and anong mother said, "Yes....".

 Blue brought anong his room and anong was sat on the ground and he sat very quietly and even altering a word and blue came and sat beside him and kept his hand around anong shoulder said, "It's me, So you can cry your heart out." 

After hearing to it anong started crying and he cried till every feeling, he have for rung has dried up. 

Rung was very disappointed with his behavior and rushed to his car and he was driving the car very fast and anong's crying face is appearing infront of him and he stepped on the accelerator pedal and the car was moving very fast."

After an hour later...

It's already mid night and Arak is still working on his laptop and the room was very quiet and only keyword typing sound is hearable and suddenly Arak's phone was ring........'

Arak pick the call, and said, "What...., where, I'm coming.."

Arak went out after receiving the call.

Few minutes later, He stopped his vehicle infront of a hospital and immediately rushed in...

 And the doctor said, "He is lucky nothing serious, but his hand is fractured and he hit his head, but nothing serious, his unconscious and after he wakes up you can take him home..

 Rung met with an accident while, he was driving. 

Rung was in a deep sleep.

(In rung's dream)

Very think was beautiful and greenery, filled with flowers and rung was chasing a man, who was wearing white clothes from top to bottom and there was big smile on his face which was never seen before and finally he catch the person and hugged and said, "Chin finally, I catch you."

Chin and rung sat on a bench and Chin looked at Rung and rung was smiling so happily and chin looked it rung's eyes are said, while at him, "Why are you crying rung," Rung with a 'confused expression', said, "Whattt,".

Chin replied finally, "You met the right person; right," and after hearing it, Rung turned his head, and chin turned rung's head back and said, "You know, You can't lie to me right." And your missing him now, but don't you want to be him, do you still feel guilty for that, Let me tell you, It's not your fault, It's happened because, It's has to happened,' and it's no one was fault.

 Anong, He loves you right and right after hearing anong's name, Tears from rungs eyes started falling down, And chin said, "Oh, My, God", The great rung is crying and every tears falling from your eyes is saying, How you loves him", Then why, my rung is not brave enough to express his feelings."

Rung hugged chin and said, "I'm... Scared that, I will lose him tooo....and, I'm scared to face the pain again."

Chin replied, "Rung even, If your scared, you can't hurt him like that", Please let him in; into your heart and set me free", And I know, He will love you more than me, you know, when ever, I looked into eyes, I used to see the guilty and pain but now, I can see your love for anong, If you let him go, You will regret it.', So don't let him go and, I think, it's time for you to let me go", And rung hugged him tightly and said, while crying, "No don't leave me, please...."

(Tears are falling from unconscious, Rung's body).

Chin said, "Let me go, See, Anong is calling you". and Rung looked at other side and anong was smiling at him and after seeing anong, Rung stood up and walked towards anong and chin looked at them and smiled."

Anong kept calling "pi,rung, pi,rung., What happened..?"

Anong called the doctors and rung opened his eyes and he saw anong infront of him...

Rung just grabbed anong's neck and kissed him, and at the right moment doctors came. Anong was in shock and pulled himself back and slapped Rung."

Rung eyes were widely opened and he came to his senses.

Doctor came in and checked rung and said, "Nothing to worry, His completely fine." After saying doctor went out.'

Arak came in and said, "You did great job, Anong; he really needed that".

Arak said to rung, "How can you drive like that, Pi'rung, what will happen, if somethings happen to you."

 Rung was not at all listening to Arak, He just kept looking at anong and anong was completely in shock and his brain couldn't process, What just happened.....

 Arak said, "I think, You guys have to talk, I will wait outside."

Rung said, "You don't have to wait, Anong will take care of me."

Arak was shocked and said, "Hmmmmmmm..', Okay." and went out while closing the door.

 After, Pi'Arak closed the door, Pi'Rung kept looking at me, and after few seconds later, He said, "Come here", And, I slowly walked near to him.

And he asked me, "Why did you slapped me", and With a serious tone, I replied, How can you kiss me, When you have a lover.'

Pi'Rung just laughed, I don't understand, what's funny."

Rung pulled my hand and i fell on him and he kissed me again, my heart was beating very fast and butterflies are dancing in my stomach ..

I pulled myself back and said, "Stop it, You can't do this, even though, I love you so much, I don't want to be your mistress and Rung laughed, Loudly and said, "Do you watch so many dramas..' 

Rung continued and said, "How do you know that, I was in the hospital, and I replied, that hospital staff called and said, And Rung said, "How did they know your contact and, I replied thoughtless that, They said, That found my contact in my your emergency contact list," and after saying this, i looked at him and, Rung said, "If, I don't love you, They why are you in my emergency contact list.

My eyes are wide open and, Pi'Rung held my hand and said, "I'm sorry for everything, will you give me a chance to love you." Please, I love you, love you so much that, I can't lose you at any cost."

I don't know, What to say., Because finally, I heard what i want to hear from pi'rung. 

Heart don't want to listen to brain and without realize, I Nodded my head as yes..........'

 Rung pulled me again and kissed me, "This was the kiss, i want from him, it was not a forced one, and he know that, he was kissing me,"

Rung break the kiss and, I opened my eyes and he said, "Today, iam going to teach you, How to kiss....?'