It encroaches
All around
Sit in your box
It's lonely
Feel it?
The presence is there
Over your shoulder?
What does it look like?
Will you die if you look?
It can't get in
Keep telling yourself
Repeat it
Until it loses all meaning
Maybe you should look
Just to make sure
But what if it's there?
Do you feel it?
That paranoia?
Go outside the box
Maybe you can escape
It's crushing
The dark
The silence
There's no lights
Only a long hallway
You still feel it
The presence
It's all around
You can't go back
It's already there
Must choose
You turn left
It's behind you
You're paralyzed
The fear!
After many minutes
You run
Run forward
Like you'll die
Die if you stop
A light up ahead!
It's blinding
You squint
Keep sprinting
It's a dead end
There's a mirror
You see it
Your heart stops
A lone cadaver
In an empty hallway
Died of fear
In their own house