42. Night Troubles

In the end, Anna didn't put any decoration. She was not sure what Dylan liked either.

After she was done, Anna walked out of the room and sat in the living room. She looked outside the window towards the balcony and the rain water.

'Can I put the rain water inside the space?'

With that in thought, Anna tried it but separated the destination to be far away from the bath water and the drinking water that she had put inside.


There was sound of splash and looking outside, it seemed as if there was a void for a moment before the rain continued to fall.

Anna felt her heart thumped.

She looked at her space and found out that there was indeed a large ball of water on the place she designated as the rain water location.

'So it's really possible.'

And the amount was much larger than when she waited for the drinking water from the faucet not long ago.

The corner of Anna's lips curled up slightly.