46. Night Talk

Talking about the rain water helped to divert Anna's attention. She no longer thought too much about the events that happened not long ago.

"Meow~." Kitty moved forward and rubbed his furry body against Anna's calf.

"Don't be too close, Kitty." Anna patted the cat. "I have to put these supplies back to the room."

"Meow~." The naughty cat didn't want to move from his comfortable position near Anna's legs.

Dylan chuckled when he saw this situation. Kitty just liked Anna so much that aside from feeling a bit jealous, there didn't seem to be anything else that he could do. The cat always forgot about who actually feed him.

"Can you sleep?" Dylan asked as he locked the door again.

"Maybe," Anna replied. "I don't feel sleepy at all right now."

Her adrenaline was pumping during the time when she faced the two hooligans. There was no way Anna could fall asleep anytime soon in this situation.