121. Searching Around (2)

Butler Henry helped Anna to carry these bags of rice and Anna checked the other places. She found several more boxes of tea and coffee. Looking at these, Anna seriously doubted that they would be able to use up these things.

But well, they can be used to serve guests in the future.

From the brands, some of them were quite cheap but some others were pretty good and would give enough face when welcoming guests.

Anna checked a bit more and found several bags. Some of them have the company's brands printed while some others were empty.

It seemed that their original plan was to use these bags for gifts when purchasing their company's product. These should be the few designs that either couldn't pass the review or they were not very useful.

Either way, Anna felt that they were all pretty good to use.

She put them all out.

The few items she put on the table were also brought up.