253. Anna: I’m his girlfriend

Tasha snorted. "Why not? The situation here is no longer the same as before. Do you think that the Daniels Family is still the same powerful family as before? Many things had changed by now, Dylan!"

Dylan sneered. "No matter how much things have changed, it's not something you can decide, Ms. Davis. A marriage can't settle all problem."

"It can settle a lot of things in the business world." Tasha didn't want to lose.

On the side, Anna listened to these two people debating with each other with a blank look.

Arranged marriage?

Anna never heard about Dylan having one. Thankfully, based on what Dylan said just now, he had refused this matter and didn't want to have his marriage be decided by his family members.

After all, an arranged marriage was not very popular.

Even if they wanted to have a business marriage, their opinion would still be asked first.

It was just that Anna was not happy.