286. Cleaning Up

The lively journey ended when they reached the hill.

The snow was piling up and looking at the situation, it was piling up very badly.

"Shall we start working?" Dylan asked.

"Well, you should cut down the trees that you don't want to use." Anna said. There were still trees within the territory that belonged to Dylan. "I'll put all the cut wood and the snow into my space so that it would be easier for you."

"Does your space has enough space?" Dylan asked another question.

Anna told him that the space was big, but she didn't specify how big it is. There was no need to pile up unnecessary items into the space if there was other ways to do it.

"Don't worry," Anna replied.

She didn't specify the area of the space because she herself didn't know how big her space is. All she knew was that even if the entire snow in the world was put into her space, she doubted that the space would be full.

"Alright then."